Ch 14: Truth or Dare (Peter)

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We pulled into the parking lot of the motel a lot earlier than we had planned on, which meant we would have even more time to look around the town. I grabbed Ace's hand, grinning as he ran a thumb along the ring on my finger. "Ooh I gotta get you one of those, don't let me forget!" I said, tossing my bag onto the bed.

He paused, squeezing my hand. "I could do that or we could just...get married when we get back home," he said hesitantly. I stared at him in shock, mouth falling open. "Like--like married, married? Like I now pronounce you husband and wife type marriage??" I sputtered. He grinned, rolling his eyes. "Uh, yeah, except we'd be pronounced husband and husband, dumbass. But I mean, why not get married? We're engaged to get married, we've known each other for years, we've dated for years, why not just...just do it?"

I gave him a huge smile, jumping into his arms. "Yes! Babe you're right, you're absolutely right! We should just do it!" I cried, kissing him as he fell back on the bed with a laugh. "Oh my gosh Peter I haven't told my parents we're engaged," he said, eyes wide. I froze, covering my hand with my mouth. "Oh...oh shit you're right. Oh damn babe I gotta call my grandparents!"

He dove for his phone as I scrambled for mine, both of us looking at each other. "Okay you first?" I asked, and he nodded, dialing his mom's number. "JoJo! Give Mom the phone, would you? I have something important to tell her," Ace said, giving me a grin and raising an eyebrow before the smile vanished from his face. "What do you mean, no?! Why not?!" There was a pause as his face grew red and he gripped the phone tightly. "John Joseph Frehley, I swear if you don't give Mom the phone right now I'm going to drive back to New York and throw you down the stairs," he growled, before rolling his eyes and squeezing my hand.

"Man, I miss JoJo. He and Frankie are my favorite Frehleys," I said with a sigh. Ace gave me a flat look which I returned with a grin before his face lit up and he turned back to his conversation. "Mom! Mom me and Peter got engaged!"

There was a long silence but thankfully his smile only grew. "Yeah! No I proposed. Yes. Uh, a week ago? I dunno, I kinda forgot, sorry! Yeah we were thinking that like maybe we'd get married when we got back? Yeah I know, but really we've dated for like five years. I don't know, we haven't really talked about it! Of course I will! Alright love you too Mom!"  he said, before hanging up and giving me a kiss. "Mkay she's cool with it and she's really excited for us, your turn!"

My grandparents picked up almost as soon as I called. "Peter! It's good to hear from you, you need to come over to dinner when you get back!" Gram said excitedly. "Of course I will! Can I bring my fiancé?" I asked, giving Ace a grin. Gram let out a loud gasp. "George Peter John Criscuola! Did you and Ace get engaged?!" she cried. "Yeah!" She burst into congratulations before handing off the phone to Grandpa, who was similarly excited.

Eventually I ended my call and turned to Ace, giving him a huge smile which he returned. "You ever gonna tell like...your actual parents?" he asked after a pause. I shrugged, sitting on his lap. "If I ever talk to them again. I don't know if they even know I'm gay, and at this point I've just kinda moved on. Now come on, let's go back to the rest of them!"

Eric and Bruce and Paul were sitting in the kitchen area halfway through a pizza, with two empty boxes on the side. "Wow cool invite thanks guys," I grumbled, grabbing a slice. "You two were alone in your room, no one wanted to disturb you!" Eric said. "You just wanted more pizza for yourself," Bruce muttered. Ace took a seat on the edge of the table, taking a bite before giving us all a grin. "You know what we should do? Play truth or dare!"

"Well it's not like we've got anything else to do," Paul said with a grin. "Okay I'll go first. Eric, truth or dare?" Ace asked, giving me a wink. I raised an eyebrow as Eric frowned. "Uh...I'll go dare I guess."

Ace's face lit up. "Yes! I dare you to kiss Bruce!" Eric rolled his eyes, looking at Bruce who just shrugged. "It's a dare, man, you gotta," he said with a grin. Eric laughed, leaning over and kissing Bruce on the cheek. "Aw boo that's cheating! I meant on the lips and you know it!" Ace said, but Eric shot him a grin. "You didn't say that though. Alright my turn, Paul, truth or dare?" "Let's go with truth," he said after a pause, taking a sip of beer. "Ooh, okay. Who do you think the sexiest person in the room is?" Eric asked.

Paul's face turned scarlet and he heaved a sigh. "You suck, you know that?" "Come on Paul, answer the question!" he said, taking a sip of beer. I nodded, giving Paul smile. "Yeah come on man, we're all waiting!" "I mean...I guess if I had to go off of the objective standard, probably Bruce? He does have nice abs," he said after a pause.

"Ooh, interesting! Alright your turn to pick something!" Ace said, sliding off the table and sitting on my lap. "Alright, Bruce. Truth or dare?" Bruce frowned before shrugging. "Let's go truth." "Are you and Eric in love with each other?" Paul asked, giving Bruce a smirk that Bruce returned with an eyeroll. "No we are not. We're literally just friends, and that's all we've ever been. Except for when Eric gets drunk, in which case he thinks we're married."

Ace and I exchanged glances before he shook his head. "Nahh, I don't believe you," Ace said. Bruce rolled his eyes again. "The only gay ones are you and you and you," he said, pointing at me and Ace and Paul in turn. "So they say." "Yeah they probably say it because it's true. Anyway Ace, truth or dare?"

"Dare." A huge grin spread across Bruce's face and he tossed Ace a bottle of hot sauce. "Drink up." I burst into laughter as Ace stared at the bottle in horror. "The whole thing?!" "Nah, I'll be nice. Take a shot."

Heaving a sigh, he measured out a shot of hot sauce, looking at the glass with a frown. "You suck, curly." Bruce grinned, sitting back in his chair. "Bottoms up, man."

Ace couldn't handle hot sauce like Gene could, which meant he spent the next few rounds chugging milk while we kept playing. I leaned against him, looking up at him with a smile. "Hey, this whole game was your idea," I said, blowing him a kiss. He flipped me off in response, and I laughed.

Oh man I was gonna love being married to him.

Oh man I was gonna love being married to him

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