Ch 49: Okay But Why (Gene)

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Shannon let out a huge yawn, leaning against my shoulder. "Why didn't anyone tell me that having a baby was hard work?" she mumbled. I grinned, kissing her. "Shh, we'll be fine. Nick's a sweet baby, he's not that difficult."

She raised an eyebrow, giving me a look. "He's like seven months old and I do all the work anyway." "Not even," I retorted, kissing her again. "But hey look, I have an idea. Take a night off tomorrow. I'll take care of Nick for the night, you go out with some of your friends. Go out to dinner or get a drink or go to a spa or something!"

With a huge smile, she moved onto my lap, pushing me back against the cushions and kissing me. "Gene Simmons that's the sexiest thing I've heard you say in awhile." I smiled back, running a hand through her hair. "Mm, I can say sexier things than that," I murmured, kissing her back. "Ooh, let me hear them," she purred.

We were just starting to have fun when the doorbell rang and Shannon's eyes grew wide. "Oh shit it's my mom!" she hissed. I bolted upright, looking at the door. "What the fuck?! Why the hell is she out here?! Okay put your shirt back on I'll get the door." She laughed, kissing me on the cheek. "Mhm don't forget your shirt too, hotshot. And your hair's messed up, let me smooth that down for you."

I grinned, pulling on my shirt as she ran a hand through my hair, kissing me before getting all the way dressed and heading for the stairs. "I'm gonna go check on Nick, go let her in would you?" Nodding, I pulled open the door, giving my mother in law a forced smile. "Hey Louise! This is a surprise! Shannon's checking on Nick upstairs, she'll be down in a second."

Mrs. Tweed barely smiled back, instead scrutinizing me with narrowed eyes as she walked inside. I silently prayed I looked presentable as she gazed around the house. "How has Nick been?" she asked after a pause. "Oh he's been great, he's a really sweet baby, not super difficult or anything!" Mrs. Tweed nodded, still looking around as if she was trying to figure out something I was doing wrong. Thankfully, Shannon walked downstairs, giving her mom a huge smile and a hug. "Mom! It's so good to see you! What brings you here though?" she said cheerfully. Mrs. Tweed smiled back. "Oh Shannon how have you been, sweetie? How's Nick?" she asked, conveniently dodging the question.

Shannon's smile grew. "He's great! Mom he's an adorable baby, he's so sweet, not difficult at all! At least not any more difficult than babies usually are." "How's Gene been? Has he been helping?" Ah yes, my favorite part, where my mother-in-law talks about me like I'm not there while still trying to find some reason why I wasn't good enough for her daughter.

"He's been wonderful! He's been the best husband and a perfect father," Shannon said, giving me a fond smile. I returned her smile, taking her hand. "I do my best for the best woman in my life."

Mrs. Tweed nodded, still squinting at me, before turning to Shannon. "Shannon honey your father has been feeling a bit sick and I'd like for you to come back and help with him. You won't be gone too far, just to Pennsylvania, and not for too long, just the weekend or so!" "You didn't tell me you moved! And I mean I'd love to help with Dad but if he's sick I don't want to bring Nick and I don't want to just--" "No Shannon honey it's fine, I'll take care of Nick, don't worry! Go and see your dad, it's fine, really I promise! He's seven months, if it's just for like two or three days it'll be no problem."

"Well...if you're sure you can take care of him," she said slowly. I nodded, giving her a kiss. "Shannon we'll be fine I swear." She was still hesitant after getting packed, holding Nick in her arms. "Babe I don't know, he's awfully young, maybe I should just take him with me." I shook my head. "No, you said it yourself, if your dad's sick it's not a good idea to take him with. I can take care of him, I swear! Two or three days, that's it!" She heaved a sigh, shaking her head and kissing me. "Call me if you need me to come home."

After we said our goodbyes and she said her goodbyes to Nick, they both left, and I looked at my son with a sigh. "Alright you, looks like it's just the two of us for two days. But we'll be fine, right?" Nick stared back at me, blinking. "Mama?" I heaved a sigh, already regretting letting Shannon leave. "No, not for a few nights. You're stuck with me."

And everything was going just fine until bedtime.

Nick ate his dinner no problem, and allowed me to change him into his pajamas, but the instant I laid him down into his crib he started to cry. And he cried for hours.

"Dada!" Nick wailed, pulling himself upright in his crib, tears gushing down his face. I walked over to him for the millionth time, gently prying his hands from the bars and lying him back down. "Shh, you're okay. You're okay, bugaboo. You need to sleep, alright? Just shh, go to sleep," I said soothingly, rubbing his back and trying desperately to get him to fall asleep.

As he kept crying I kept my hand on his back, taking a deep breath and starting to sing him a lullaby. "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, when you wish upon a star your dreams come true," I sang softly.

By the time I finished the song he had finally,finally dropped off to sleep, breathing quietly. Smiling, I kissed him on the forehead. "Goodnight," I murmured, walking into the hall and leaving the door cracked behind me. "Oh my gosh that took years," I said to myself, stifling a yawn.

Might have to call in backup or something.

Might have to call in backup or something

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