Ch 13: We Shouldn't Have Drunk That (Ace)

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My eyes flickered open and I tried sitting up before sinking back to the couch with a groan. "Oh shit my head..." I moaned. Peter, who was draped across me and missing his shirt, patted me weakly on the face. "Shh babe you're fine. If you don't think about the hangover you don't feel the hangover," he said with a faint smile, keeping his eyes closed. I grinned, kissing him on the forehead. "Nice theory, but I dunno about that."

"No, no, it's science I swear," he muttered, wincing. "Ohh damn I am sore." I played with his hair absentmindedly, kissing him again. "Not just from the hangover though, huh?" He gave me a playful look as Paul stumbled into the room, falling onto the chair and closing his eyes. "Guys I think...I think we shouldn't have drank so much," he said in a low voice. "Yeah no shit."

"I fell asleep in the bathtub and now not only is my head killing me, all my muscles are too. And dammit I didn't even win either," he grumbled, before his eyes widened and he stared at us. "Dammit guys this was sushi night all over again! Bruce told us it was a bad idea and we didn't listen and now we're all dying!" he cried.

Me and Peter exchanged glances before he let out a huge sigh. "Aw, dammit, it really is. Bruce really just watched us play ourselves again."

We fell back into silence before I realized I had to find something to distract myself from my pounding headache so I pulled Peter closer against my chest with a happy sigh. "Curly if you think about it though, how wild is it that exactly half of us are gay?" "Hey Ace." "Yeah?" "Shut up," Paul groaned. "Aww, is someone hungover?" I teased, before closing my eyes with a wince. "Oh shit I forgot I am too."

"Mm okay hey babe, out of all of our friends, who's the hottest?" Peter asked, snuggling closer against me. I grinned, kissing him. "Uh, you obviously. But after you? Gotta be Paulie for sure. He was a babe in high school and now that he's buff? Don't even get me started," I said, giving him a wink and a nod which I immediately regretted since my head exploded. Paul smiled back, keeping his eyes closed. "Thanks Ace."

"Paul how about you? Who's the hottest?" Peter asked. "Still gonna have to go with Gene. I mean yeah I haven't seen him in years and I'm pissed at him but still. I had a crush on him then and I still kinda do. He was like the first guy I fell for."

"Ah, predictable. But I guess me saying Bruce is the hottest is predictable too though. I mean those abs? Solid," Peter mumbled. I rolled my eyes, slapping him lightly on the side of the head, which probably felt a lot worse when combined with his hangover headache. "Gosh, whatever. I'll get abs if you want me to. Actually nah that's a lot of work and you don't even have abs yourself, so you can't talk." "Shh, I like you better than Bruce. I love you, that's why we're engaged, you goof! You don't need abs. They're nice to look at, but you're a lot more comfortable to lay on top of," he said, proving his point by pressing even closer against my chest, trying to share the couch equally with me, which was a little difficult.

"I'd make out with you if my head wasn't killing me," I muttered, opting to kiss him on the cheek instead. "That's a mood," Paul moaned, running a hand through his hair. I nodded, closing my eyes with a yawn.

"Guys. Guys I'm dying." I cracked open an eye to squint at Eric, who was leaning against the doorframe like his life depended on it. "Oh shit man you look terrible," I teased, before my headache came back with a vengeance and I pressed a pillow over my face.

"Peter what...Peter what the hell did we drink last night?" Eric mumbled, sinking to the ground with a low groan. "A mistake, that's what," Paul muttered, and me and Peter nodded in agreement. "Imma say it right now guys. Vodquila? Never again. Never again." "I knew it would be a bad idea but I still did it anyway. Also wow real cool guys, glad to see no one thinks I'm hot," Eric grumbled, stretching out on the floor with a wince.

"Sorry curly! You're just so loveable and cute, it's hard to think of you as anything other than everyone's little brother," I said with a grin. "Shut up, I'm the third oldest after Peter and Gene." "Yeah but you're so small," I retorted, before a fresh wave of pain shot through my forehead. "Ohhh my head."

The door opened and slammed shut as Bruce came in from his morning swim, giving us all a broad smile. "I told you so." "Bruce when I can stand I'm gonna kill you," Eric snapped. "Mm nice abs Bruce," Peter said with a yawn, before curling up against my side. "Guys this was a mistake. Peter's not allowed to pick the liquor anymore. What's the point of trying to see Gene if we all die halfway out there?" Paul said with a dramatic sigh, before looking at Bruce. "You wouldn't happen to have like aspirin would you? Or maybe morphine? Or literally any pain reliever?"

"Other than fresh air, no. Now I'm gonna go get showered, y'all have fun," he said, giving us a grin before walking to the rooms. "Mm nice ass Bruce!" Peter called after him. Rolling my eyes again, I shoved him to the floor. "Oww babe my brain hurts don't do that!" he wailed. "Maybe Bruce's abs can help you with that," I snapped back, stretching out on the now vacant cushions.

"Shh, no talking please. Have some respect for the dead," Eric said, voice muffled by the pillow it looked like he was trying to suffocate himself with. "You'll be fine, curly, just give it some time."

"How long though?" he groaned. "Like...the rest of our lives, probably," Paul said listlessly.

Bruce came walking out of the shower like a half hour later, looking disgustingly refreshed and happy. "You know what this reminds me of?" he teased, starting to make himself breakfast. "Sushi night?" Eric asked, barely lifting his head from the floor. "Sushi night. I tried to warn y'all."

"Lesson learned," I grumbled.

But probably not really to be honest.

A/N: I switched to post-it notes for the drawings which is why they're yellow now lol

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A/N: I switched to post-it notes for the drawings which is why they're yellow now lol

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