Ch 20: Tension (Ace)

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I woke up to the sound of Paul mumbling in his sleep again and flipped on the bedside lamp with a sigh. He was sprawled out halfway onto the floor. "Call 'm Paul junior," he said under his breath before scowling in his sleep. "Punk ass bitch." "Hey, Paulie. You're fine, you're asleep, shut up," I said gently.

"Gimme back my friend, b-bitch."

I threw a pillow at him across the room before letting out a sigh, sliding out of bed and pulling him back onto the couch. "Go to sleep," I whispered, setting his blanket over him. "Mm hella cute," he mumbled, scowl twitching into a smile as his face turned red. After filing that under 'Paul's dreams I both do and do not want to know what they're about' I crawled back into my own bed, snuggling up against Peter. "This bed sucks compared to the hotel. Why'd we switch?" he asked with a yawn.

I slipped an arm around his shoulders with a smile, closing my eyes. "This is cheaper. Now shh, shut up and go to sleep."

Hours later, I looked over at Peter as he ate breakfast, smiling. "Hey babe so about our wedding, right?" He looked up from his food, raising an eyebrow. "What? You're breaking up with me already?" he teased. "Oh shut up you know I would never. I was just thinking though, like we're gonna need best mans and all that and I wanted to ask Paul to be mine but I also wanted to double check with you that would be okay since he's like...also kind of my ex boyfriend?"

Peter laughed, shaking his head. "Yeah and he's also been our best friend long before any of us started dating. That's totally fine! If he's cool with it, I'm cool with it. Just ask him later today!" I leaned over and kissed him, squeezing his hand. "Perfect. I'll do it this morning before we hang out with Gene and stuff."

Paul was leaning on the balcony, scowling at the streets below. "Hey curly, you okay?" I asked. "I'm so fucking pissed at Gene. Like what the hell, man?! He gets married and is having a kid and shit and he didn't tell me anything?! We literally grew up together, he practically lived at my house, and then he just ghosts me for five years?! I came out here expecting to find the same old Gene which I guess was stupid of me, because that Gene's basically gone. He's got responsibilities now, he's got a wife and a kid soon and he's not going to have time for anything else, for any of his friends."

"For you," I said softly, and his scowl darkened. "Yeah. It's stupid, I was stupid for thinking it would work out." I nodded, looking sadly at him, and patted him on the back. "Well, we found him and he's happy and--" "Yeah, he is happy. He's married and he's happy and I'm happy he's happy but--"

"But you were still secretly hoping he was gay and you could get with him. I get it, I do, and I'm sorry. It sucks, but you said it yourself, Gene's happy! Focus on yourself, make yourself happy! Not everything always works out like you want it to. Gene's straight, always has been and always will be. I hate to say it, but you just gotta move on. You've seen him, he's thrilled to be back with us, to be back with you more specifically. He's not going to just leave us again, you've seen how sorry he is for what he did."

Paul heaved a sigh, shaking his head. "Yeah. You're right. Thanks, man." "You're his brother. You've been his only brother, pretty much his only family, for ages. That's a really nice bond, don't forget that! He loves you curly, there's no one he cares about more."

"That's what I've always said but I really don't believe it anymore."

We fell back into silence again before I turned to him, nudging him with a smile. "Hey curly I have something that might cheer you up," I said. He turned to me, raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What's up?"

"Okay so as I'm sure you know me and Peter are getting married." "Yes I was aware of that fact. You guys have mentioned it a few times," he teased. "Oh, shut up. Anyway yeah so we're planning on getting married when we get home so in like two weeks and I was wondering if you wanted to be my best man? You're a really good friend and you mean a lot to me."

Paul's face lit up and he gave me a hug. "Yeah! Aw Ace of course! I'm honored man, really!" he cried. I hugged him back with a laugh. "Awesome! Once we figure out all the details and stuff we'll let you know! Anyway we should probably go back inside since we're going to the beach and all that. And it'll give you a chance to talk to Gene! And see him in a swimsuit," I teased. He punched me in the arm, shaking his head. "Shut it," he muttered, but the fact his face had turned a bright red proved what he was really feeling.

Gene met us at the beach like he said he would, giving us the same quiet smile as last time. "Uh...hey guys. How've you been?" he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "It's been fine! How's your wife?" I asked, giving him a smile. "Shannon? Oh she's doing fine. If you guys wanted to come over to dinner tonight she said she'd love to meet you guys."

"Sounds like a plan. I only said like two sentences to her but she seems really nice," Paul said, actually giving Gene a smile. "Yeah she's great, I'm really sorry I haven't been able to introduce you guys sooner, that's my fault. Sorry."

"Aw, don't worry about it, we have a chance to now and that's what matters," Eric said, while the rest of us voiced our agreement except for Paul, who just frowned.


A/N: it's supposed to be Gene on the left even tho it lw looks like Bruce lol

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A/N: it's supposed to be Gene on the left even tho it lw looks like Bruce lol

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