Ch 46: Uhhh...(Peter)

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Ace slid into the car with a smile, leaning over to give me a kiss. "Hey babe, how was Gene's?" I asked, driving off. He grinned, leaning back in the seat. "Oh, it was fine! I love Nicky, he's so adorable! I had to watch him by myself for like an hour or so because Gene and Shannon were having some alone time."

I shook my head with a laugh, pulling into the restaurant parking lot. "Well that was nice of you. He really is a sweet baby, and he's so cute. His toothless little smiles are just so precious." Ace nodded, grabbing my hand and walking into the restaurant with me. "Yeah! Oh, and he called Gene dad for the first time and then he called me dad which is just so cute." "I'd imagine it's a little difficult for him to say 'uncle' at his age. I'm so glad we get to be the rich gay uncles though, we're gonna spoil Nick so much."

He grinned broadly, giving me a kiss. "Damn right we are."

We sat at the table, still holding hands, and I smiled as he ran a finger across my wedding ring. "Damn, it's still kind of hard to believe that we're married. Like really married, we had wedding and everything," I said softly. He nodded, leaning over to kiss me. "I know. And personally I'm really happy we are," he said with a grin. "Me too."

Dinner was really good, and it was nice to be able to take a break from everything and just sit and talk with him. Ace took a deep breath, feeding me a bite of cake before looking me dead in the eye. "Peter, what would you think about adopting a kid?" he asked abruptly. I froze, staring at him in shock. " adopting a baby? Like a baby like what Gene has type of baby?" I stammered after a pause.

He nodded, giving me a smile as his cheeks turned slightly pink. "Yeah! I like kids man, I've got two little brothers who I had to help take care of, kids are adorable! And obviously we can't like have a kid have a kid so we'd have to adopt one. But of course only if we both agree to it, only if you want to. If you don't want a kid, we won't have a kid."

I swallowed a sigh, trying to think of how to tell him we were nowhere near ready to have a kid without crushing him. "Oh...oh shit, Ace, I don't know. Like that's...damn, that's a big commitment. And...and I mean we're not...we haven't been like...we're not the most responsible people, you know? I'm not saying no, not at all, I'm open to the idea don't get me wrong! But maybe we should really think about it. I mean...Ace, we party all the time. I just got out of a drug addiction again, you wreck your car every other weekend, we've been married for seven we're a baby though?" I said slowly, stumbling over my words.

His face fell visibly and he dropped my hand, nodding sadly as he stared at the table. "Y-yeah. You're right," he mumbled. Heart sinking, I placed a hand on his arm, giving him a soft smile.

"Babe, listen. I like kids too. I do, really. Nick's adorable. I am not at all against adopting a baby, or even an older kid. But I don't think we should do it now. I want to start a family, I want to start one with you! But we're not ready, we're really not. Let's get cleaned up first, alright? I'm out of drugs, which is a good start! And you can stop reckless driving and we can slow down our partying and we can get ourselves together and we can have a family. Okay?"

He looked up at me again, giving me a warm smile in return. "Okay. But you're sure you want one? I don't want you to have a kid if you don't want to have one." I nodded, squeezing his hand. "I want to have a family with you. I do, I promise," I murmured, giving him a kiss. "But only when we're ready."

Giggling, he nodded, squeezing my hand back and stealing the last bite of cake. "It's a deal, baby doll."

He still seemed quiet by the time I got into bed, pulling the covers over us and looking at him in concern. "Hey, you okay? You've been quiet since dinner." He jumped, startled out of his thoughts, before giving me a weak smile. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I let out a sigh, pushing his hair back from his face. "Ace do you regret that we can't--that you can't have a kid? Like have a kid, have a kid."

Ace went silent, staring up at the ceiling. "I mean...sometimes. A part of me wishes I was straight so I could have a kid and be like yeah, that's my kid, I'm their actual, biological dad. But I'm not, I'm gay and I love you and I'm really, really glad we're married. And I can't have a biological kid with you but oh well."

I nodded, pressing up against him. "I know, I'm sorry. We'll figure it out though. We'll find a way to have a kid. Our own little Peter junior." He grinned, giving me a kiss. "Or Paul junior." "Why the hell would we name our kid after Paul?" He gave me a flat look, laughing. "You dumbass, my name is Paul!" My face turned red. "Shut up. You never go by Paul, I forget what your actual name is," I grumbled.

He smiled, shaking his head and running a hand through my hair. "But you're sure you want to?" "Ace, listen to me. I love you more than anyone else in the whole world, alright? I want you to be happy. You being happy makes me happy. I also like kids. Having a kid with you would be amazing. I really want to, I swear. I swear on my life. When we're ready, we will, I promise."

He gave me a smile, slipping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me back to the bed. "When we're ready," he murmured, kissing me on the cheek and closing his eyes. I nodded, resting my head on his chest, feeling his hand move down my back. "Alright goodnight, I love you dear," I purred. He giggled, kissing me again and reaching over to turn off the light. "Love you too."


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