Ch 52: Rags (Ace)

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Peter was still devastated about losing Hooligan, as much as he tried not to show it, and I really hoped that my solution to the problem wouldn't make everything worse.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the apartment, setting the cardboard box with holes in it in front of Peter and giving him a huge smile. "This is for you, my dear," I said. Raising an eyebrow, he nonetheless opened the box, tears immediately springing to his eyes. "Oh--oh Ace," he choked, reaching down into the box.

He gently lifted out the tiny gray and white and black kitten, who purred happily in his hands, before giving me a watery smile. "I know nothing will ever replace Hooligan but I thought maybe you missed having a cat so I went to the shelter cause I wanted to get you a new one and I saw this one and it reminded me of Hooligan so I just got it for you but if you don't want it we don't have to keep it I don't know I was just thinking maybe it would help," I said in a rush, giving him a nervous smile.

Tears started to roll down Peter's cheeks and he shook his head, petting the tiny kitten. "Ace he's perfect. He's absolutely perfect. Thank you so, so much," he whispered. I sat next to him, extremely pleased with myself, and gave him a kiss. "What're you going to name him?"

Peter frowned, looking at the kitten as it nuzzled his hand. "Oh...Rags. Yeah, Rags," he said after a pause, giving the kitten a soft smile as it curled up even more in his hands, purring happily. "But you like him, right?" I asked, giving him a worried look and still terrified I did the wrong thing.

Smiling, Peter set Rags down and immediately threw his arms around me, kissing me. "I love him. And I love you," he said, pushing me back against the cushions as we made out. After we kissed for a bit he sat on my lap, setting Rags on his thighs. We both watched as the kitten scratched at his jeans and Peter let out a happy sigh, leaning against me.

"Ace you doll you really are the best husband. I know you didn't love Hooligan that much but then you went and got me another cat and I just...thank you," he said, voice growing thick. I slipped my arms around his waist, kissing him on the cheek. "Hush. I loved Hooligan and I love you and I want you to be happy! And I kinda missed having something else to take care of beside you," I teased. "Gosh Ace he's adorable I really can't...I really can't thank you enough," he whispered.

I gave him a squeeze, burying my face in his shoulder. "I just thought maybe it'd make you feel better! I know you're still heartbroken, and it hurts me to have to see you still get up and try and feed Hooligan before you remember that he's anymore." Peter sighed, before giving me a smile. "It's okay love, I've got Rags now and a wonderful husband and I love both of you and I owe you."

"If you owe me one then go make some lunch, I'm starving!" I teased. Peter grinned, kissing me and setting Rags on my lap. "Of course, doll."

After spending like only twenty minutes in the kitchen, Peter walked into the living room, sitting on my lap again and leaning his head back on my shoulder, looking up at me with a smile as Rags jumped up on his thighs. "Mm you look cute from this angle," he said, kissing me on the neck. I grinned, kissing him on the nose. "You look cute from every angle." He rolled his eyes, nestling closer against my chest and taking a bite of pasta. "I know I do. And so do you!" he said with a giggle, putting a bite together and holding it in front of me. "Open wide, my dearest."

I obliged, taking the bite off his fork and giving him a smile. "Mm, delicious. You're a good cook, my sexy spaghetti boy," I purred. He laughed again, which always melted my heart, and patted Rags on the head as he slept in a little ball. "I do my best. It's not that hard to boil water and then pour some sauce that someone else made on top of some noodles." "Well it tastes better when you make it," I said, kissing him again. He fed me another bite, eating one himself. "Ooh hey Space Ace you know what I wanna make?" "Hit me with it." "Chicken alfredo. Oh babe I loveee that stuff, it's so good."

I frowned, accepting another bite as he fed it to me. "Babe I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't know if I've ever had chicken alfredo." He set down his fork, giving me a horrified look. "What?! Oh gosh I've failed as a husband. It's only been a few months and I've already failed as a husband." I laughed, sliding my arms around his waist and pulling him closer against me. "Shh, no. You are a wonderful husband and there is no one I would rather be married to in this entire planet. We can get chicken alfredo some time, don't worry!"

Peter shook his head, kissing me on the cheek. "No, no, I'm making it tonight. Okay let's see, we gotta clean the apartment and we also gotta get groceries, which one do you want to do?" "Well, it's your dinner, you get the ingredients. And also everything we need for the next week or so. Oh and food for Rags. I'll clean up around home, I know what we need to do around here!" I said, accepting the last bite of pasta. Peter leapt to his feet, turning around to give me another kiss before running off to grab his keys and his shoes. "Okay bye my darling dearest husband I'll see you in an hour!" he shouted over his shoulder, closing the front door behind him.

I missed him the instant he was gone and set about cleaning the apartment with a sigh. I had gotten through vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and replacing the sheets on our bed and was halfway through the laundry when he finally made it back, dropping a load of groceries on the counter and giving me a grin. "Guess who I ran into at the store!" "Who'd you run into?" I asked, dumping the clean clothes into a basket and scratching Rags behind the ears as he jumped into the warm laundry.

"Eric and Bruce! Bruce was trying to get actual food while Eric was running around trying to sneak as many unhealthy things into the cart as possible. He was winning by the time I left." I laughed, scooping him into a kiss. "We should invite them over for dinner sometime!" "Mm, yes! I like that idea, that'd be fun. Eric's so goofy, I love it. He and Bruce are like opposites it's wild how they're such good friends."

I grinned, starting to fold the laundry. "I know honestly! Eric's super happy-go-lucky and energetic and outgoing once he's comfortable around you but Bruce is always pretty quiet and reserved and responsible no matter how well he knows you. Plus I mean Eric can and will eat whatever the hell he wants but Bruce loves healthy food. It's cute though, it's cute how good of friends they are."

Peter nodded, unpacking the groceries. "Yeah! They balance each other out."

Turns out chicken alfredo was smack and Peter was a good cook despite his protests. He reached across the table to give my hand a squeeze, smiling softly as Rags jumped up on the table next to us. "You really are the greatest husband, you know that?" he said softly. "Not as great as you!"

 "Not as great as you!"

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