Ch 70: The Band? (Gene)

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The doorbell rang and I shifted a bawling Nick to my other arm, pulling open the door. Paul gave me a grin, patting Nick on the head. "Aww, why's he crying?" I heaved a sigh, rolling my eyes. "Nick's crying because I won't let him go outside in the snow naked and freeze. So since I'm making him wear clothes, I'm the bad guy," I grumbled, shifting Nick back to my other arm as he did his best to squirm free.

Paul burst into laughter, shaking his head. "Hah! That's tough! That's what you get for having kids though." "Aw, shut it. Anyway are we going to go?" "Well it's not like we have much of a choice, we did promise we'd go to their place for lunch," he teased, punching me in the arm and giving Nick a friendly smile. "Even though he's crying he looks so cute in his snowsuit." "That he does," I said fondly, pulling Nick's fuzzy hat lower over his ears and giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Now stop crying bugaboo, it's for your own good you're wearing this."

Nick had finally stopped crying by the time we made it to Ace and Peter's new house, and was burbling happily as we walked up the front steps, chewing on his hand. Ace flung open the door the instant we knocked and immediately clapped a hand to his mouth. "Oh my gosh he's so cute!!" he shrieked. "Peter! Peter come look at how cute Nick is in his little tiny baby snowsuit!" he cried, running back into his house and grabbing Peter, dragging him to the door.

"Aww oh my gosh Gene that's so precious!" Peter gushed. I just rolled my eyes. "That's because you didn't have to deal with him crying for forty minutes since I wouldn't let him go outside in a diaper and freeze to death." Peter gave him an offended look before patting Nick on the head. "Nick would never! Anyway come in and get out of the cold! It's January and way too cold outside."

"Nick would absolutely do that," I grumbled, kissing my son on the forehead and walking inside with Paul. "Okay now you can get out of the snowsuit that makes you so mad," I cooed, sitting Nick on my lap and stripping him down to his onesie and socks. "There. Now you're happy. Go see your uncle Paul and bother him," I said, handing him off to Paul.

He just smiled, shaking his head. "He's a precious baby, stop being so petty," he teased, bouncing Nick on his knee. Nick kept babbling to himself, chewing on his hand and drooling everywhere before his eyes went wide. "Dada!" he said excitedly, waving his hand around. I turned to see Rags walking into the room, meowing before lazily jumping on my lap. "Dada!" I smiled, scratching Rags behind the ears. "Yeah buddy, this is a cat! You've never seen one of these in real life before. Can you say cat?"


"Eh, close enough. Here, come here and I'll let you hold him!" I said, sitting Nick on the couch next to me and holding Rags in my hands. Nick reached out, wide-eyed, gently grabbing Rags's tail before immediately putting it in his mouth.

"Nick, no! You don't eat cats!" I cried, pulling the cat's tail free of his mouth with a laugh. "His name is Rags, can you say that?" Paul asked "Bat!" He smiled, patting Nick on the head before turning to me. "He is literally so cute."

Nick gave us a smile filled with exactly four teeth as Ace walked out of the kitchen area. "Lunch is ready! And Nicky the cat is not lunch for you, okay? You can't eat that cutie!" he said cheerfully. Somehow, Peter and Ace had managed to prepare a really good meal, and the four of us ate while Nick sat on my thigh, alternating between Cheerios and his bottle and freezing to stare at Rags every time he walked into the kitchen.

"He's literally so cute," Ace said, giving Nick a smile. "He is a cute baby. Are you guys going to adopt one do you think?" Paul asked. They exchanged glances before shrugging. "Maybe! We'll see," Peter said, giving his husband a kiss. "I want a few years to kind of mess around and do whatever with Ace, you know?"

"Ooh, speaking of messing around, you know what we should do?" Paul said, leaning back in his chair. "Hm?" "We should get the band together again."

"Ooh curly good idea!" Ace said with a huge smile, taking a sip of beer. "Mm it has been a long time," Peter mumbled, snuggling up against Ace. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Guys I want...I want to make the band our career. I'm tired of being a biology teacher, I want to be in a rock band and be rich and famous. I don't want it to be a side job. I want it to be a real thing."

Paul sat up, giving me a smile. "Okay here's what I'm thinking. We get together our best songs and we find a record deal and we say full send. We've played clubs and shit, we know we work good together, let's do this!" "That's a good idea, but we need to be unique. We can't just be a rock band, we gotta have something. Like a gimmick, like a kind of thing that sets us apart," Peter said with a slight frown.

"Curly I got it! Stage personas! We wear crazy costumes and face paint and we hide our identities and make stage names and stuff!" Ace cried. The four of us looked at each other before smiling. "Yes! Dude it's perfect!"

"Fuck it man, let's figure it out right now!" Peter cried, grabbing some pens and paper. "Again! Watch the language around the baby!" I snapped, patting Nick on the head. "Sorry! I told you, force of habit!" he said sheepishly. "Yeah well Nick has already cussed in front of Shannon and she was heated, so I'm really trying to avoid having to sleep on the couch again," I muttered crossly.

After like twenty minutes of spitballing ideas and having more fun than was productive, we were finally finished. "Okay Ace it was your idea, you go first." Beaming, he turned his page around. "Ta-da! The Spaceman!" "Aw that sounds like my name! I did the Catman!" Peter cried, leaning over and kissing him.

"Paul what did you do?" His face grew pink and he smiled, showing us all his page. "The Starchild! How about you?" "The Demon!" I said with a crooked grin. "And then Nick did this little scribble in the corner." "Guys this is gonna be the hottest band in the world!" "We need a name though, what should we call it?"

"How about KISS?"

~~The End~~

A/N: That's it! That's the end! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! It means the world to me to see people appreciate my story! I might do another sequel where they're in the band and stuff, I'm not sure, we'll see! If that's somethi...

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A/N: That's it! That's the end! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! It means the world to me to see people appreciate my story! I might do another sequel where they're in the band and stuff, I'm not sure, we'll see! If that's something y'all are interested in let me know!

Thanks again for the support!!

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