Ch 40: Nick (Gene)

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Paul waited in the lobby with my mom as I finally made it to Shannon's side, taking her hand as she gave me a smile. "Well damn, about time," she said breathlessly. I nodded, giving her a kiss and smoothing her hair back from her face. "I know, I know, I'm sorry! Nick really just had to come a month early and make it inconvenient," I teased. She rolled her eyes, wincing. "Oh, shut up and support me as I give birth to our son."

I did as she said, standing next to her and saying words of encouragement over and over again as she squeezed my hand, apparently doing her best to break my fingers. "So how mad at me are you?" I asked. She scowled, face red. "I will be a lot less angry with you once this is done," she panted. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, babe I'm so sorry, I should've gotten here sooner. I should've come home after the wedding."

"Shh! Shut up! We talked about this, it was a mutual agreement! Your son just decided to throw a wrench in everything." "I know, love, I know, I'm sor--" "Gene I swear if you apologize one more time I will have you kicked out of the delivery room," she growled. "Alright okay I'm s--sounds good. I'll just shut up and stand here and hold your hand."

"Damn right you will."

Hours later, it was finally over and she was lying in bed, nursing Nick and giving him a soft smile, still holding my hand. "Oh Gene he's gorgeous," she murmured. I nodded, heart racing. "He is, he really is. You did a good job." She gave me a smile, giggling. "We did a good job. He's as much your son as he is mine. Remember that when he's waking us up at two in the morning." I leaned over to give her a kiss, looking at Nick with a smile. "He's so small!" Shannon laughed again, shaking her head. "Are you kidding me? He's a giant! An nine pound-seven ounce giant of a baby. If he had been full term he would've been enormous. Obviously he's your son, Mr. 6'2", 220." she teased, smoothing back Nick's few wisps of dark black hair and pulling the tiny little hat he was wearing lower.

"And since he's as much your son as mine, I'm going to let you hold him," she said gently, handing Nick to me. My heart melted as I cradled him in my arms, looking down at his wrinkled face and realizing I would die for him in a heartbeat. "Oh shit, Shannon," I murmured, unable to say even half of what I was feeling. She nodded, yawning. "I know. I know, darling, I know. Can you hold him for a bit? I'm really tired since I just spent like twelve hours giving birth so I'm going to take a nap. When he goes to sleep put him in the bassinet please dear."

I nodded, still looking at Nick, who was looking back at me with his wide brown eyes. "Shannon he's so red," I mumbled. "Uh-huh. That's because he was just born. Glad to see you have no clue what you're doing and know nothing about babies. Now shh, I'm going to sleep, I've very tired. Invite Paul in here, let him see his godson." My heart swelled and I looked at her excitedly. "Really?! Paul gets to be godfather?!"

"Gene, my darling, the love of my life, we talked about this! Yes, he's the godfather. Shut up and let me sleep." I nodded, holding Nick in the crook of my arm as I pulled out my phone. "Well?" "Get your ass in here and come see your godson," I said, beaming at Nick.

The door opened and Paul walked in, giving me a huge smile. "Oh he's precious. Gene he's adorable," he said, sitting in the chair next to me. I nodded, holding Nick a little closer. "I'd let you hold him but I really don't want to let go," I murmured. Paul nodded, patting me on the shoulder. "He's your first kid, I can't even imagine how nice it is to finally hold him."

I nodded quietly, holding Nick a little closer to me and resting a hand on his chest. I could feel the rapid racing of his tiny little heart and felt tears springing to my eyes. Paul gave me a smile as I took a ragged breath. "You good?" he asked gently. I shook my head, blinking back tears. "I'm great, man. It's just...oh wow, it's a lot. Like this...this is my son. My baby."

He nodded, patting me on the shoulder. "Yeah. He is. You finally have the kid you've always wanted. Also your mom went back to work but she said congratulations and she's looking forward to seeing her grandson."

My phone rang before I could respond, and I looked at Ace's contact with a smile before answering. "Hey curly where are you and Paul? We were supposed to meet up at one and it's like almost three now." "Oh! Shit I thought Paul would've told y'all. Yeah we're in California cause my wife gave birth to our kid," I said, raising an eyebrow as I stared at Paul, who winced.

There was a long pause as Ace took a deep breath. "Sorry, WHAT?!" "Yeah, Shannon gave birth to Nick so we're in California. Hella thought Paul told you, that's my bad, I should've known I can't trust him with stuff like that." "Dammit Gene you gotta tell us these things! Well shit curly, congratulations! That's amazing! Send a picture of Nick, I bet he's a cute baby." I looked at Nick, smiling fondly at him. "Yeah he is. You guys will have to come out here and see him some time."

"Yeah we'll be booking flights soon. Anyway I'll let you go, congrats again!" he said cheerily, hanging up. Shaking my head with a smile, I took a picture of Nick and sent it in the group chat as Ace had requested, and of course I immediately got a response.

Eric: oh shit he's so cute!!!

Bruce: aw small Simmons

Peter: wtf why didn't u tell us ur kid was born

Ace: hah old news lol

Paul: shut up I knew abt him first

I mean technically I knew abt him first so all y'all can shut up

"Yeah I totally forgot about telling them," Paul said sheepishly. I just laughed, shaking my head. "Why am I not surprised?"

By the time it was night Paul had gone home and Shannon was asleep again after having fed Nick, who was asleep in his bassinet. Heart still racing, I leaned over him, running a finger along his face with a small smile. "Nick Tweed Simmons, I swear on my life that I'm going to be there for you your whole life. I know what it's like to grow up without a dad. I'm not going to do that to you. You're never going to have to eat ketchup soup growing up, I promise," I murmured, leaning down to kiss him.

"Gene." I jumped, whirling to look at Shannon, who beckoned me over. "I love you, darling. I really, really love you," she murmured, pushing herself up to kiss me. I kissed her back, lying next to her in her bed. "Not as much as I love you. We did a good job," I whispered back.

 We did a good job," I whispered back

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