Ch 44: Thanks Mom (Gene)

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"Good morning dovey, how're you feeling?" I mumbled,kissing Shannon on the forehead as she snuggled up against me. She smiled, keeping her eyes closed. "Tired. Achy. I mean I did give birth not too long ago, so it makes sense. But I'm also really, really happy. That you're home and that Nick's born." I grinned, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer against me, kissing her on the forehead again. "Me too. Nick's wonderful, he really is. Such a precious baby."

"Mmhm. He's a sweet baby. Our baby." Heart fluttering, I nodded, running a hand through her hair. "Our son." There was a warm silence before she opened her eyes and looked at me, giving me a fond smile. "He is." I smiled back, kissing her again. "I almost can't believe it. Like damn, that's our baby. We made that." Nick started crying and Shannon stretched with a wince. "That we did, my dear. And since you had an equal part in making him, why don't you go get him and bring him over to me?"

I slid out of bed with a laugh, scooping Nick out of his bassinet. "Hey now, don't cry lovebug! I know you're hungry but your momma is gonna feed you and then you're going to be just fine," I said, sitting in bed next to Shannon and handing off Nick, kissing her on the cheek. "I love you hon," I murmured. She kissed me back, nursing Nick. "Not as much as I love you." "Nope, there's no way you can love me more than I love you."

We kept going back and forth until she laughed, leaning against me. "If you love me so much go make breakfast. And make it good, not like last time!" "Last time was good. Not my fault you don't like oatmeal with cottage cheese," I grumbled, kissing her and sliding out of bed. "I don't like it because I have actual taste, my dear. I swear, you have the worst taste in breakfast food. Like ice in your cereal? Come on. Now go make something good, like pancakes! Mm, or waffles. Just something, I'm starving."

She walked downstairs about thirty minutes later, carrying Nick, just as I flipped the last pancake onto a plate. "Here you are, my lovely wife," I said, giving her a smile and sliding her the plate. "Ooh, good food. Thanks hubby!" she said cheerfully. We sat eating for awhile before I rose to my feet, stretching, and gave her a kiss. "Hey I'm going to get dressed and run to my mom's, I wanna talk to her. I'll see you in a few hours, that work?" She nodded, kissing me back. "Sounds good, tell her I say hi!" she said, rocking Nick gently.

I got dressed quickly and headed out, stopping by a florist and grabbing some flowers before heading to Mom's apartment. She threw open the door after I knocked, giving me a huge smile. "Gene! Oh it's so good to see you!" she cried, giving me a hug. I laughed, hugging her back. "Hi Mom! It's good to see you too. I got you some flowers." Mom gave me a warm smile, taking the bouquet from my hands. "Oh, tulips, my favorite! But tell me, what's the reason behind the surprise visit?" she asked, setting the flowers on the counter and taking a seat at the table. I sat next to her, taking a deep breath.

"Mom I just...having Nick has made me realize how difficult it is to be a parent. I don't know if I'd be able to do it without Shannon by my side. And having Nick has also made me realize how much you sacrificed for me growing up, and how you did everything possible to ensure we had the best life we could and even if it wasn't perfect I had a good childhood and I wanted to say thank you."

Mom stared at me, smiling softly, eyes going a little sad. "Gene, I know you didn't always get to live the life you wanted to growing up, and I wish I had been able to be there more for you, but I could not have asked for a better son. I couldn't be more proud of the man you've grown up to be."

I gave her a hug, trying not to cry. "I owe it all to you," I whispered. "Hush, give yourself some credit too," she murmured back. "Oh, Mom! Shannon and I are moving back to New York, you should come with us if you can!" She laughed, shaking her head and giving me another hug. "Gene darling I love you and you know that, I'd love to move back home. I might not be able to make it out as soon as you three can, but I'll see about joining you back east!"

It was really nice to be able to sit and talk with her again, to have a chance to catch up like we really didn't have a chance to when I was younger. I left after a few hours promising to have her over for dinner soon and hugging her goodbye.

I walked into our house, sitting next to Shannon and giving her a kiss. "I love you. Love you more than I've ever loved anyone, more than I ever will love anyone," I said softly. She looked at me in surprise before smiling. "I love you too. Why the sudden outburst of affection?" I shrugged, holding her against my side. "Just thinking of how I couldn't be able to do any of this without you."

She smiled, snuggling against me. "And I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you either. Now come on, let's go put Nick in his bed and then maybe practice making more babies downstairs," she said with a wink. I gave her a huge grin, scooping her up in my arms and carrying them upstairs.

 I gave her a huge grin, scooping her up in my arms and carrying them upstairs

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