Ch 51: But They're So Cute! (Eric)

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I walked into the bathroom with a yawn, running a hand through my hair and grabbing my toothbrush. Bruce let out a sigh, staring at his reflection. Hm.

"What's wrong? You seem quiet," I said, starting to brush my teeth. He let out another sigh, shaking his head and grabbing his razor. "Nah I'm fine. Just tired," he mumbled. I set down my toothbrush with a raised eyebrow, folding my arms across my chest and looking at him. "Bruce. What's wrong?" I asked again.

He sighed yet again, shaving his face. "It's nothing. I'm just tired, I swear." "Uh, no, bullshit. What's wrong?"

Shrugging, he washed off his face, grabbing a brush and running it through his hair. "I's nothing, honestly." I grabbed his arm, turning him toward me. "Dude, what's going on? Just tell me! If something's wrong, let me know so I can help you and so you don't have to go through it alone!" I cried.

He took a deep breath, still staring at his reflection. "Eric I...I think I'm asexual," he said quietly. I dropped his arm with a shrug. "Oh, okay that's cool, I didn't know that! What makes you say that?"

"I I've never wanted that. I love the romantic sides of relationships, but I don't...I haven't really ever wanted the sexual side. I've done it before but only sometimes. I looked into it some and that's like...that's kind of what being asexual is, or-or it can be, so yeah. And...I'm afraid that if I tell Lisa she won't want to date me anymore. I love her man, I really do, I like being with her and I don't want to lose that."

I gave him a smile, patting him on the shoulder. "It's okay if you feel like that man, everyone works different! But you should should tell Lisa. Just so she knows and it's fair to her, you know?"

He gave me a slightly surprised look before a small smile spread across his face. "Thanks. You don't mind though? Since we're...we're roommates and all that? I don't wanna be roommates if you're uncomfortable with it." "Bruce. No. I could not care less if you're asexual. You're my best friend, I like spending time with you! Being roommates is probably the best idea we've ever had! All I care about is that you're happy."

His smile got a lot bigger and he gave me a quick hug. "Thanks Eric. I wish it would be this easy to tell Lisa." "It will be! Look, she loves you, just call her and tell her. It'll be fine, I promise," I said, finally getting around to brushing the rest of my teeth.

"Yeah. I hope so," he mumbled, still staring at himself.

I left him getting ready and walked to the kitchen. By the time Bruce had pulled himself together and gotten dressed, I had made both of us a plate of eggs and bacon. He sat at the counter and accepted his plate without a word, allowing me to fill his cup with coffee. "So how long have you felt asexual? If you wanna tell me. It's up to you completely!"

He gave me a smile, eyes shining again, which was good to see. "I dunno. It's not like I don't love people, I just don't really feel like...not even like I'm not sexually attracted to people, just that...that doesn't matter so much to me. But like shit man, I really do love Lisa and I really hope she doesn't...doesn't break up with me," he said slowly, stumbling over his words.

"She won't. And if she does, she's not worth it. But she won't. You should just talk to her though, this is obviously eating you up inside man, just talk to her now so you can get it off your chest!"

"Yeah. You're right," he said quietly, before shaking his head and turning to me with a smile. "Damn Eric, I don't know what I'd do without you." "Well hopefully you'll never have to find out."

He rose to his feet, grabbing his phone. "Alright well...might as well get this over with." "It'll be okay! She's not gonna care!"

I started washing the dishes as Bruce walked into the living room to call Lisa. I could hear his muffled talking but couldn't make out any words. "Come on Lisa, don't break his heart," I muttered, scrubbing the pan aggressively and praying it would all work out for him.

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