Ch 27: Hey You Cool Cat (Ace)

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We finally pulled into the driveway of Paul's parents' house after our very long journey to find Gene. "Your parents home?" Gene asked quietly as he got out of the car, but Paul shook his head. "Nah, they're in the Bahamas or something this summer. You can sleep in the basement," he retorted, still evidently a little bitter about everything. Or a lot bitter.

Peter slipped a hand into mine, dragging me toward his car. "Come on let's go home! I wanna get back to my own place and take a shower in my own shower." "Mm I could join you," I teased, sliding into the passenger seat before leaning over and giving him a kiss. He gave me a smile, the same hot pink blush spreading across his cheeks as always. "Now there's an idea. And if not the shower then for sure in the bedroom," he said with a wink.

My own face growing red, I sat back in the passenger seat, waving goodbye to the rest of them as we headed to Peter's place. "You need to get anything before we go home?" he asked. I shook my head, resisting the urge to rest my feet on the dashboard. "Nope! You?" "Nah, my grandparents already dropped Hooligan off, he would've been the only thing I needed to grab. I should still have food in the fridge, and if not we can go out or get takeout or something!"

Still holding his hand and still absolutely thrilled to be able to feel the engagement ring on his finger, I walked up the steps with him, waiting as he unlocked the door. The instant we stepped inside, he set down his duffel bag and scooped up Hooligan as he lazily brushed against his legs, meowing loudly. "Hello, my beautiful baby boy! I've missed you!" Peter gushed, beaming as he scratched Hooligan behind the ears.

I watched Hooligan nuzzle against Peter's chest, purring loudly, before leaning over and kissing my fiance with a sigh. "So be honest, am I still behind the cat on the list of things you love?" I asked, petting Hooligan on the head. He grinned, kissing me back. "Behind the cat? Babe you're still behind the car!" he teased. "Hey! Go get showered and think about what you just said," I said, grabbing my own bag and tossing it into his room. "You gonna join me?" he asked, letting Hooligan jump from his arms. "After that comment, no."

I kind of regretted my decision not to join him once he actually got in the shower, singing slightly off-key like always. Hooligan sat on the couch next to me, staring up at me with his green eyes as I ordered me and Peter some takeout dinner. I stared back, frowning, before leaning over and pointing at him. "Alright you listen here pal, Peter's mine, you got it? My fiance and soon he's gonna be my husband, don't you forget that," I grumbled.

Hooligan hissed at me, arching his back, and I stuck out my tongue in response. "Ace stop fighting with the cat," Peter called over his shoulder, walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Stop dripping water all over the floor!" I shouted back as he walked into what was basically now our room, joining me on the couch a minute later once he had gotten dressed, hair still a bit damp.

Hooligan jumped up onto his lap, still staring at me. "I swear he hates me," I grumbled. Peter gave me a hurt look. "He would never! He's a wonderful cat, you're just jealous!" Shrugging, I slipped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him against my side. "You know I don't think you've ever told me where you got your demon cat," I said absentmindedly.

Peter heaved a sigh, snuggling closer against me. "I was five. My mom got me him for my birthday. He was something to take care of, something to love, and I got to see clearly that he loved me back. I didn't have a lot of constant things in my childhood but I always had Hooligan."

"When you were five? Shit, he's old." "Yeah. Eighteen," he said softly as Hooligan stretched, closing his eyes and curling up into a ball on Peter's lap. "I know you don't love him but I really hope he's one of those cats that lives until like thirty." "Hey, don't think about that stuff. He's a cute cat and I love him as much as I love you," I said gently, kissing him on the nose, making Hooligan jump to the floor with an indignant hiss.

Peter gave me a grin, pulling me onto his lap and slipping a hand to the inside of my thigh, kissing me. "Mmm are gorgeous," he murmured, hand moving a little higher up my thigh. My heart melted, a blush spreading across my face as I pressed closer against him. "Shh...don't talk, just kiss me," I whispered back, turning his face toward mine and making out with him.

"I cannot wait until I'm officially married to you," he said after a pause, giving me a smile. I grinned, stretching. "Absolutely the same here, my darling. But I can wait on planning the wedding. That's not exactly something I'm looking forward to having to do, as much as I want to get married."

Peter laughed, resting his head on my chest. "I know, I know. We need to work with Gene and Paul about that. Best men help with planning weddings, right?" "Hell if I know, I've never been in a wedding. But let's call them right now and find out!" I said, pulling out my phone and putting it on speaker as I called Paul.

"Hey what's up?" Paul asked. "Paulie so me and Peter are talking, right?" "Yeah I'd imagine, you guys are living together, it'd be kind of weird if you didn't talk," he said, and I could almost see his stupid cheeky grin that easily won my heart back in high school. "Paul I swear I'll fire you and pick a new best man. But anyway, we were talking and we were thinking about how we need to like actually plan a wedding, right? So like uh...can you and Genie help us with that?"

Paul heaved a sigh but laughed. "Yes, we can. I'm pretty sure that's what we're supposed to do as best men but I honestly have no idea. When do you want to meet up?" Peter grabbed the phone from my hand, snuggling closer against me. "The sooner the better cause we want to get married soon. You guys could come over today if you wanted!"

"Yeah if you guys can that'll work, I ordered dinner for me and Peter but I can order some more for you guys!" I chimed in. "Alright, fine, we'll come over. See you guys in like...what, thirty minutes?" "Sounds good!"

I ordered some more takeout from the Chinese place and waited for Gene and Paul to come over, snuggling with Peter on the couch.

I ordered some more takeout from the Chinese place and waited for Gene and Paul to come over, snuggling with Peter on the couch

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