Ch 65: Triple Date (Eric S, Eric C)

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I sat on Tommy's bed, twisting my headband into knots in my hands as he looked through his closet for something to wear. "So you have a date tonight too? That's fun!" I said cheerfully, trying to get my heart to stop fluttering. He gave me a crooked grin over his shoulder, eyes shining. "A triple date. It should be fun though, I'm excited to see Eric again! You got plans tonight?"

My heart started skipping a whole lot faster and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm going over to Paul's place, so I'm looking forward to that. A triple date though? Who else?" Tommy sighed, pulling a shirt off the rack and looking at it with a slight frown. "Bruce Kulick and his girlfriend." I put my headband back on, giving him a confused look. "What's wrong with Bruce? I mean I haven't really seen him since high school but he's a nice guy!"

Tommy sighed again, shrugging on his shirt and looking for a tie. "I know, I know, he is. He just also kind of doesn't like me." "Oh. Is there...a reason for that?" I asked slowly. "Well...okay so he was only at Devereaux for freshman year, that's the only time I really knew him. We were kind of friends? Yeah, kind of friends. But anyway, I knew he was going to ask this girl Renee to formal because he had been telling me he was planning on it, but uh...yeah I kind of went and asked her before he could."

"Tommy!" "I know! I know, I know, it was bad, I shouldn't have done it. So yeah we didn't talk any more after that. Which was fair. So yeah. I mean I don't think he's still going to be mad about something that happened almost ten years ago, but...well, you never know."

I frowned, folding my arms across my chest. "And you say I'm the dumbass. I might be stupid but I never did anything that dumb," I grumbled. He shook his head, straightening his tie. "Thanks Eric, you don't need to keep reminding me. And I know you're not the best person for like...advice, but what should I do? Should I apologize to him? I don't want to make it awkward and bring up stuff from the past, you know? Like if he's already moved on and all that. But I also don't want to like...leave it hanging there either."

"So you really expect me to give you advice right after you tell me I'm bad at giving advice?" I asked, flopping back on his bed. "Yes. Also stop messing up my bed." I sat back up, purposely wrinkling the blankets, and heaved a sigh. "Well, here's my advice. If he seems to still be mad at you, maybe say something. Oh, here's my actual advice actually! If he seems mad at you during the meal, then say something. If he doesn't seem mad, then just chill during dinner! After though, you should still talk to him about it. Just say you were sorry for being such a bitch and stealing his date freshman year."

"I was not a bitch freshman year," he muttered crossly, running a hand through his hair and looking at his reflection. "Uhh yeah you were. Everyone was. But especially you. It'll be fine though! Bruce is nice and Eric's amazing and it'll be fine. Don't worry about it, go have fun. I also have a date to get to and you need to go pick up Shandi." He gave me a smile, ruffling my hair. "Thanks, you dirty blond dumbass. I owe you one. I'll see you later, have fun with Paul!"

I jumped to my feet, heading for the door. "Yeah, tell me how it goes! And yes, you do owe me one. You owe me several," I teased, punching him in the arm and heading for the stairs. I looked at the text from Paul telling me to bring my favorite pizza topping and smiled to myself, already making a mental note to get a pineapple and nothing else.


"So we have our triple date tonight, you know that, right?" I asked, walking into the bathroom. Bruce didn't even bother to look away from the mirror as he shaved. "Yes I do know that, that's why I'm getting ready right now."

"You're excited for it, right?" "Yes I am. I'm excited to see my girlfriend and Carrie and Shandi." I grinned, nudging him in the ribs. "What about Tommy though?" I teased. "You still jealous I have other friends?"

"I was never jealous of him," he grumbled. "Oh you were so jealous of him," I snapped back, grabbing a brush and attacking my hair. "I was not jealous of you having more friends." I gave him a look, watching with smug satisfaction as his face started to turn red in spite of his protest. "Uh-huh. Sureee you weren't. Try to be civil this time though!" I said cheerfully, tossing aside the hairbrush. "I've never not been civil with Tommy Thayer. He's chill man, I don't care about the fact you and him are friends."

"So you say. But we'll see how you really feel tonight!"

Tommy looked the exact same except older when we finally got to the restaurant. He gave me a huge smile, jumping up from the table and giving me a hug. "Eric! It's so good to see you, it's been so long!" he cried. I nodded, hugging him back before we took a step back and did our old handshake. "I know! I mean not like that long, but a year is still long!"

"Hey, long enough for you to get...well no, not tall. Almost, though!" he teased. Bruce grinned, ruffling my hair. "Almost. But not quite." "Hah-ha," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "You guys are just jealous I'm more likable." Carrie walked over before they could get going on their protests, giving me a kiss. "Hey cutie, been awhile!" I said, squeezing her hand. "It's been like three days, you goof," she said, giving me a fond smile. "I'm not proposing tonight but I will at some point soon, I promise," I said, kissing her. She laughed, shaking her head. "How many times do I have to tell you, I don't care if you do or not!"

"Yeah, yeah, but I care! I'll do it, don't worry." "I wouldn't hold your breath on that one Carrie, after all, Eric's dating Paul," Tommy teased. "Oh yeah, sorry Cares, I hella forgot to tell you that. Guess the engagement's off," I teased, giving her another kiss. "Obviously not you, dumbass. Singer then?" she asked, and Tommy nodded. "Yeah, he told me they were like an official thing on Wednesday maybe? I dunno, some time this week. He said they're really happy together, which is nice."

"Good for him. Him and Paul is kind of an unexpected couple but at the same time it fits so well," Bruce said absentmindedly. "Hey, no stranger than Gene getting married!" Shandi chimed in. "I'm just going to pretend like I know who you guys are talking about and keep my mouth shut," Lisa said with a laugh.

It was nice to hang out with them and talk and catch up on old times, and thankfully all six of us were getting along nicely, even if Tommy and Bruce just kind of avoided talking. Or making eye contact. But that was probably nothing. Unfortunately dinner ended too soon and we all rose to our feet, saying our goodbyes. "Alright I'll see you later Carebear," I murmured, giving her a kiss. She smiled, kissing me back. "Looking forward to it. Love you!" she said cheerfully, going off with Shandi and Lisa. I stood off to the side, waiting for Bruce and Tommy to finish their hopefully unheated conversation.

After a few minutes, Bruce walked over, shaking his head with a grin. "Bye Tommy! We'll have to meet up again!" I said cheerfully, giving him a wave which he returned. I turned to Bruce as we drove home. "So what was that about?" I asked. He laughed, shaking his head again. "He was just apologizing for stealing my date freshman year." "Aw. See, told you Tommy was great."

He just rolled his eyes, smiling.

He just rolled his eyes, smiling

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