Emily's P.O.V
My mom is starting at me from the other side of the table, Hunter holds my hand firmly in his under the dining table at Aunt Karens house.
We arrived a few minutes ago, Karen instantly trying to make everything better with offers of coffee. I declined asking for a glass of water instead.
Last night as I lay in bed with Hunter Snoring quietly beside me, I realised a few things.
One, my life is one big soap opera.
Two, I can't keep moping around when things get me down.
And three, only I have the power to change it.
After my dad died, my mom's priority speech actually made sense. Life's too short to hold grudges. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the realisation that as much as I would love to, I can't hate her forever.
She's the only parent I have now, if you could even call her that and I have a sister, if I want any kind of relationship with her, I'm going to have to set aside the animosity toward my mom.
Hunter is still none the wiser about Eden, so there's going to be a few secrets uncovered in this conversation. The thought is daunting.
"I know you're sorry" I say quietly finally looking up at her "so I don't want to hear any more apologies." I tell her, I've heard enough apologies to last me a life time.
"Okay, so what do you want me to do?" My mom asks, her eyebrows scrunching in confusion.
"Nothing" I decide. "Just be my mom. Be there when you need to be there and support me when I need it"
She looks a little shocked at my words but nods regardless. "I can do that."
"I can forgive you for everything that happened mom. Believe it or not, I can but I won't let you hurt me again"
"I won't, I promise" she says and I click my teeth annoyed by her interruption.
Honestly, she wouldn't believe me if I told her everything I've suffered the past few years but I want her to want the extent of everything she missed.
"I feel sorry for you, I'm sorry you felt like you needed to escape but the fact you came back speaks volumes." I take a deep breath composing myself and fighting the urge to cry. "I had everyone I ever needed here to help me over the last couple of years, I've been through so much shit, we've been through so much shit" I correct myself glancing at Hunter who smiles proudly at me for finally getting everything off my chest.
"I almost died, mom. Did you know that? A fucking psycho tried to kill me, Hunter and Devon, I ended up in a coma for three months" I can tell this is news to her, which I'm surprised by. I thought for sure Aunt Karen would have told her some stuff.
"I missed my graduation, prom, I lost my baby all because of some psycho that tried to rape my best friend and shot my boyfriend." The memories and saying it out loud are too much for me and a small tear slips down my cheek but I push it away instantly.
"My point is, that I survived all of that, without you. I could easily do it again, so don't disappoint me"
I finish letting her know I won't let her fuck with my life again. This is her one and only chance to get out. If she can't give me everything a mother should be able to give their children then I don't want her in my life.
"I won't, I promise. My biggest regret is leaving you Emily. You have to believe me." She sounds desperate, a small slither of sympathy chips away at my dislike of her.
"I do" Kind of...
"Good, because I really missed you"
"Me too" I admit reluctantly. At first I held so much hatred for her I didn't realise how much I missed her. Things that I could have only needed my mom for, we're now either left to Hunter or his mom, good bless her heart. She has been amazing to me over the years.
"I'm sorry you lost a child" My mom says making me look up at her. Hunter squeezes my hand. "Was it recent?"
"No" I inform her. "I was young, probably too young" I admit. "We didn't plan it, I didn't even know until after"
"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone, honey"
"I didn't" I say pointedly. "Hunters family have been incredible. They took me in as one of their own and helped me with dad in more ways than I could have ever asked for."
Hunters thumb trails over my hand and I smile at him. He and his family are the reason I'm still here and sane.
"You're in my life because I want you here mom" I say and it might sound harsh but my point needs to get through to her. "Not because I need you"
There's a huge difference between wanting and needing and I certainly don't need her. I've overcome so much without her.
My mom's eyes shine with unshed tears but she holds them back and nods in understanding.
"I get it. Thank you for the opportunity to even try, Eden is going to love having you in her life"
Ah yes, Eden.
I turn to Hunter then, his eyes bore into mine. He looks elated that I'm finally telling my mom how it is and that I won't sit back and take her crap anymore.
"I haven't been completely honest with you, I didn't lie or anything, I just kept something from you" I tell him not knowing how he's going to react.
Hopefully nothing like how I reacted when he was keeping things from me.
I was a psycho.
"What?" Hunter questions leaving go of my hand, It feels cold instantly but i'm not even sure he realises he's done it.
"I have a half sister" I say confidently hoping he doesn't hate me for keeping something like this from him. "She's called Eden"
"She's two next month" my mother adds.
Two whole year's I've missed of my sisters life, until a few weeks ago, I didn't even know she existed.
I stare at Hunter for any reaction, it's not like I kept it from him on purpose. Things just always happened to put the news on the back burner.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I shrug "I don't know. I was going to, then things kept happening, first Claire and your dad, then we almost got married, Taras news about the twins then my dad, I'm sorry I didn't say anything"
"It's okay" Hunter replies sincerely. He knows I would never keep something as life changing as this from him intentionally. "So, have you met her yet?"
I smile, not only because Hunters not hurt but because for the first time, I'm excited about the prospect of meeting Eden. "Emily was going to meet us for dinner tonight" my mom says "you're welcome to join us, if you would like?"
Hunter glances at me, his eyes portraying that the decision is mine. I nod with a grateful smile. Again, he's there for me, no questions asked.
"I'd love to"

Happily ever hookup. (Book #2)
Teen Fiction***COMPLETE*** Book #2 in the hookup series - MUST READ THE FIRST BOOK in order for this one to make any sort of sense. "Keep doing that and I'll be forced to throw you over my shoulder and take you home" "Really?" I smirk turning toward him knowin...