Chapter 3

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The look on her face was cold as ice - she knew only one person came out

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The look on her face was cold as ice - she knew only one person came out. And she came in here with the only boy she's ever paid any interest in.


While getting settled on the train, I took the longest shower, sat on the floor and sobbed my eyes out. It finally all seemed to hit me when I left my home, never to return. The looks that people had on their faces were stained into my memory. Even for district two, some had fear on their faces. Because they knew my chances against Cato were slim to none.

Brutus and Cato were talking strategy when I walked into the main car.

"How was your shower?" Brutus asks me. I looked at him and sat down next to Cato. He seemed like he was trying to make small talk with me. It was weird, I've never been good at small talk.

"Fine, the water was really warm." Brutus laughs. I don't know what was so funny about that.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Brutus thinks that the arena will be simple this year," Cato explains. "Like a forest or something."

"Cato asked me his questions, do you have any for me short stuff?" I didn't like that nickname that he gave me. He acted so comfortable with me like he knew me for years.

"Short stuff?" I ask, feeling my eyebrows knit together. Cato chuckles in mockery, as Brutus smiles at me.

"It suits you well, no?" I shrug, not bothering to answer his question.

"What happens if I get a wound that can't close on it's own?"

"Spoken like the daughter of two doctors," Enobaria says as she sits down next to Brutus. I didn't like her either, but not because she was overly friendly like Brutus is. It's because she's actually insane. "I heard you're smart." I shrug as I catch a glimpse of her filed down teeth. Yep - she's definitely insane. "Can you do anything else?"

"I'm alright with knives," I say, not wanting to boast. I never was the type to brag.

"Alright isn't going to get you to win, Katalina," She says, as if it's obvious. I hold in an eye roll.

"I'm not going to win," I mutter. Cato was the only one that heard me. She raises her eyebrows at me, awaiting an answer."It's gotten me past my tests every year, so I think it'll work for me."

"I've never noticed you before," She further pushes. I shrug once again. "I don't think that's necessarily a good thing, if you come from two and I've never noticed you before." I feel her running her eyes down my body, probably judging every bit of it.

I tried not to roll my eyes at her statement. You could tell from first glance she didn't like me. The feeling was mutual, so I'm not too worried about it.

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