Chapter 10

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I do need you, as much as you don't

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I do need you, as much as you don't.


Someone was shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes to find Marvel. I felt exhausted, sore, and hungry. I did not enjoy the few hours of sleep I got.

"Sorry to wake you, seems like you didn't get great sleep." I shook my head. I probably had dark bags underneath my eyes.

"I'm fine," I answered. I rubbed my eyes to make the image in front of me a lot clearer.

Glimmer and Cato were cuddling in front of me. Something he has never done with me. They were talking, he said something and she laughed. She leaned in too close for my liking every time he said something to make her laugh. Cato noticed me staring at the two of them. He didn't push her off like he knew I wanted though.

"I think we should go, walk around," Marvel said. "I need to set up some traps." At least those will be doing the killing instead of him or Cato. I licked my dry lips as I realized I haven't had water in a while.

"Is the water safe?" I asked, mostly talking to Marvel. The blonde's didn't look my way anyway.

"Have you not had any?" he asked. I shook my head. He handed me the water bottle.

"Feel free to drink the whole thing. We can just go get more if need be." I gladly drank the whole thing, immediately starting to feel a tiny bit better.

I eyed Cato and Glimmer again. As much as I didn't like the idea of the two of them together, I didn't want to look away. I heard a crunch and saw Peeta sitting up eating an apple with a spear at his side. I kind of forgot he was in our group for a second. I rubbed my eyes once again. I needed to stand up for a while.

"I'm going to get more water," noting that there was none left in the water bottle. Everyone looked at me, but didn't say anything as I walked towards the body of water that was close by. I held onto my knife tightly and kept a look out for anyone near by, especially Thresh.

I bent down to fill the water bottle up. I set the blade down next to me, and washed some of the dried blood off the cool metal bottle. The heat was not helping our situation either, water is definitely going to be my new best friend around here.

I really have to focus on myself now, as hard as it is. Cato doesn't seem to be paying attention to me so why should I?

I heard a crunch of a stick behind me. I turned around quickly, trying to find the knife without looking. There was a boy I didn't recognize. He was running towards me.

But I couldn't think, I couldn't move. I was frozen.

The weapon he threw just missed me. He tackled me to the ground and my back landed with a hard thud on the rocks. I groaned out in pain. I couldn't reach the knife that I had brought with me. He noticed it and kicked it away into the water. I pushed his hands away from my throat, this kid was not stronger then the first kid that tackled me. I could just barely keep him off of me.

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