Chapter 21

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You return like autumn, and I fall every time

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You return like autumn, and I fall every time.


"You're not going Kat."

"You're going to choose now to care more about my life then your own?" I snapped at him.

"Yes, actually. I am. This is serious, Thresh almost killed you once-"

"I can get in and get out. No one's going to see me."

"That's what you think. What happens if you run into him again? What happens if he takes our bag? How are you going to get it back?"

"I'll figure it out when the time comes. Without this medicine you won't get better Cato I hope you know that." He sat back against the wall of the cave that we've been hiding out in for the past day and a half. "You need it."

"I understand that, but if you get killed I won't get it either way." That's true. But I'm still going.

"It's worth a try," I said. He sighed.

"And you call me stubborn," he muttered. I put my hand on his leg, and looked into his eyes.

"I'll be fine, but you won't be in no more than a day."

"Okay, okay." Finally. Convincing Cato is like talking to a brick wall.

"You're lucky I care so much about you, to risk my life," I joked with a smile. He didn't return it. "Was that too soon?" He nodded and I pressed my lips together. "Sorry."

I handed him the water bottle, he took a swig and set the water down. His hand found mine.

"I just worry that you'll freeze up again, like you did in the bloodbath." I shook my head and my hand went through his blonde dirty hair. It was wet from sweat, he must be really hot. I bet his fever is going up by the minute.

"Just go to sleep for a while, I'll be back to wake you okay?" I helped him lay down and he held my hand the entire time.


I didn't sleep through the night very well. I kept waking up to check on Cato to make sure he was truly alive. I really didn't know how much longer I had with him, considering even laying next to him is like being trapped in this heat vent.

I really needed to get that medicine.

As the sun slowly started to come up I realized it was my time to go. I slipped my hand out of Cato's and slowly stood up. I took my three knives and slipped each one into it's designated pocket. I moved the water closer to Cato, and a knife by him as well to fend for himself if anything happened to me.

I ran my fingers through his hair and bent down to kiss his cheek, trying not to wake him. I stood up slowly and looked out to the cave entrance. A hand went around my ankle, just as it had the other day. I looked down to Cato and he motioned for me to squat back down.

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