Chapter 4

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He's used to the attention though, back home, he'd look a certain way towards a girl and he'd instantly have her wrapped around his finger

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He's used to the attention though, back home, he'd look a certain way towards a girl and he'd instantly have her wrapped around his finger.


Cato found himself in my bed last night, one thing led to another and I'm sure you could figure out what happened.

Today was the first day of training. Cato was up and out of my bed before I was awake. I really couldn't even tell you if he stayed after last night. He didn't touch me, he never does. I wasn't cuddled up next to him, Cato's not exactly the type to stay after you have sex.

And I don't know why I let him treat me this way. I don't know why I stay. It's almost like, I feel better when I'm with him, rather then being lonely by myself. Even if he treats me like the scum that's on the bottom of his shoe. Especially now, if I ended things I wonder if he would try to kill me.

Ever since last night Cato was so angry that he went into his room after we got back from the tribute ceremony. That's why it was surprising to me that he came to my room as late as he did. He told me he was not happy with the district twelve girl. Her face was every where last night, the crowd was cheering her name and not paying attention to any of us. She was on fire last night, literally, on fire.

I watched the reaping reruns that have been playing ever since we arrived to the capital. I found that Marvel and Glimmer both volunteered into the games. The devilish smirk that Glimmer had on her face is something that will haunt me in my nightmares, mark my words.

The tributes from four were way to young this year. They couldn't be well trained, if they were trained at all. So looks like it'll be the four of us this year.

I skipped through the other tributes, it was the same thing over and over again. The kids sob as they're torn away from their families, parents scream and cry for their children and have to be escorted out. I didn't want to watch that over and over again. I don't get how people watch this show every year. What joy does the capital get from tearing people away from their families?

The boy from eleven caught my attention though. He wasn't crying like his twelve year old partner was. He held her hand and nodded into the crowd, showing everyone that he would protect her. I liked that, but he's extremely scary looking. He had more muscle then Cato did. He looked like he could easily snap me in half. I got the unsettling feeling in my stomach once the screen went blank.

District twelve came on, a small girl with blonde hair stepped into the aisle that separated the boys and girls of the district. That wasn't the girl on fire.

"Prim," Someone cried out. The camera quickly moved towards the brown haired girl. "I volunteer!" she cried out. She ran to the small blonde haired girl. She risked her life for the young girl, who is I'm assuming her sister.

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