Godt & Bas

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"Fuck..." Bas murmured, panting softly.

He's on all fours, fingers scrunching up the white bed sheet of the hotel bed. He rocked back, every time the man behind him thrust in. Despite the air conditioning, sweat beaded in his marble brow.

"Harder..." He cried hanging his head low, and arching his spine, making his ass tilt high up in the air.

"Grab hold!" Godt grunted, speeding his hips up with quick short thrusts, attacking the bundle of nerves inside, just the way the younger man loves. Bas dropped his head and upper body on the pillow and let go, giving complete control to his boyfriend.

"Ah..." He sobbed. "I'm coming..." His voice is muffled by the pillow.

"Me too..." Godt lowered his body, turned Bas's face with his hand, and took the already swollen red lips in a bruising kiss. They kissed until they both came, bodies rigid and shuddering under the powerful release.

Once they were done, Godt slipped his softening cock carefully out and threw the condom away. He plucked a few tissues and cleaned them up a bit. They'll have to take a shower before leaving anyway.

"At what time you needed to be in the office?" Bas asked, his voice thick like flowing honey. He rolled on to his side and placed his palm over the older man's chest, just where his intricate patterned tattoo is.

"I can stay for half an hour more. I need to be at the office by one in the afternoon." Godt buried his nose in the unruly black hair and inhaled deeply. "God, you smell so good, I can never get enough of you." He groaned.

"Don't start now," Bas laughed, placing his cheek on the strong capable chest. He could hear Godt's heart thumping inside his chest. "We don't have enough time for round two."

"Ahh..." Godt cried, rolling on to his back, taking Bas with him. "I wish I could spend more time with you. We never get to be with each other peacefully. It's driving me nuts."

"Oh, we do spend an awful amount of time together." Bas sounded amused. "We go on regular dates every Friday," He placed his chin on the other man's bare chest and started counting off fingers. "You take me to a restaurant or a pub, walk around the park and make out in the car. Then you drop me off home before eleven in the evening." He snorted. "Don't forget that you also drop me off to campus every morning. Also, we take lunch together in the campus cafeteria occasionally."

"You are making fun of me," Godt sighed. "I'm trying to be a model boyfriend."

"You are trying to win my brothers." Bas corrected.

"I need to prove to them that I'm worthy of you, that I can be trusted with their little brother. Try to understand babe." Godt pleaded.

"Then it's inevitable that we must sneak into hotel rooms to have sex during your lunch hour, on the days I don't have midday classes." Bas pouted.

"What am I to do, babe?" Godt ran his fingers through Bas's hair. "I hate taking you to random hotels. I hate rushing over this. I want to take my time, loving you." Godt murmured.

"That's okay Godt," Bas patted the older man's chest. "I wasn't complaining or anything." He took in a breath and exhaled slowly. "You better shower soon," He said softly, rolling off from his lover's body.

Godt sighed again, getting up from the bed.

"I'll take a quick shower then," He walked to the bathroom naked. Bas couldn't help staring at his boyfriend's naked body. That man looks like a Greek God. How did I get so lucky to own someone like that? Bas thought. It's too bad Godt is still careful about Kim and Tae. In a way, Bas couldn't blame Godt for being careful. What happened last time was ugly.

"I got an idea," Godt suddenly rushed into the room. Bas was awakened by his thought process. The tall man's body is still dripping wet. The white towel he wore barely concealed his magnificent body. Bas let his eyes linger on the honey golden skin appreciatively. Looks like he's forgotten to towel his body down, in his rush to relate the idea just popped in his mind.

"What?" Bas got up. It's high time he showered too. Otherwise, Godt might get late for work. He threw a look over his shoulder looking at his boyfriend and walked to the bathroom. Bas witnessed how Godt's eyes quickly snapped to his ass. Bas smiled secretly. It's so nice to know that Godt wants him too as much as he wants the other man. When the desire and love are both mutual there's nothing more beautiful in this world.

"I'll buy a condo," Godt grinned wiping his body with another towel. Bas began showering. Godt watched. "Then we can spend more time, quality time. We can say goodbye to cheap motels."

"But Godt," Bas began applying shower jell all over his creamy wet skin. "You don't have enough money. You just began your internship."

"I'll try to get a loan or a mortgage," Godt said enthusiastically. "I can ask for a loan from Jason,"

"A loan to buy a house?" Bas exclaimed. As a Business Management student, he knew a little bit about finances. "Bank won't give you a penny without collateral and you're still an intern. As for Jason, would he loan such a big amount? Even if he did, how long do you think it would take to pay back?" He shut off the water, Godt handed him a towel to dry up.

"I have a trust fund from my parents," Godt said trailing after Bas as he walked out of the bathroom. "I'm not supposed to get it until I turn twenty-five. I'll pay back Jason when I get that money." They both began pulling their clothes on.

"You want to use your trust fund to buy a house?" Bas asked with a gasp. Anyone would have kept it for the future or do some good investment. It intrigued him that Godt wants to buy a house using precious money from his parents.

"Sure," Godt smiled. He tucked his dress shirt neatly in his pants and snagged the tie from the bed. "I want us to have a place. I don't like this," He waved his hand around the place, gesturing the hotel room.

"Godt, listen." Bas came closer and started fixing the tie for the taller man. "Don't rush into anything." He tilted his head up and looked at the honesty in the eyes of his lover. "I'm fine...." He trailed off running his fingers up and down Godt's tie. "We're fine like this... Let's wait for a bit yeah? I don't want your relationship with Jason to get tarnished. So let's give it some time okay?" Bas stared up waiting for Godt's approval. "I'm really fine with the way things are right now. My brothers are fine, yours are fine... we're really fine." Bas tried to acquire some enthusiasm to his tone. Godt is staring down at him with a mild look.

"I know you are, babe." He sighed. "But let me give it a try?"

Bas frowned.

"Please?" Godt tilted his head smiling.

The younger boy sighed.

"Whatever you do, don't fight with Jason," Bas stressed.

"I won't fight," Godt lifted his palms. "Promise."

Bas smiled, smoothing the older man's perfectly knotted tie-down.

"Shall we go then, before you get an earful from your boss for getting late?" He grinned.

Godt grinned back, dipped his head low to peck the plump cherry lips.


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