New Life

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Copter's hands around Kimmon trim waist felt warm and comfortable

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Copter's hands around Kimmon trim waist felt warm and comfortable. His back felt warm too because Copter is leaning intimately with his cheek resting on the capable shoulder. It felt wonderful even though the night air is a little chilly for Kimmon's taste.

"Take the next left," Copter murmured to Kimmon's ear. "Then right from there, through the entrance." The motorcycle lost its usual speed as they neared their destination.

"Where are we?" Kimmon wondered in awe, looking at the beautiful condominium apartment plaza. It looked brand new.

"You'll see in a minute," Copter said as the bike crawled straight down the underground park. "Just park at that spot over there," He gestured. Kimmon did as he said and stopped the bike. "Let's go," Copter slid down the bike. Kimmon removed the helmet, placed it on the bike, and took an extra-long stride to catch up with his boyfriend.

"You have turned so mysterious, babe." Kimmon joked, following Copter to an elevator.

"I can be mysterious," Copter mused, punching on the panel.

"I'd rather you be cute," Kimmon pinched the rosy cheeks. He grinned when the smaller man scowled at him. "Or grumpy..." He added as an afterthought. Copter gave a flat look this time. The elevator stopped at the eleventh floor when Kimmon began to chuckle.

"Come on," Copter took the lead. Kimmon simply followed. Since he'd decided to follow Copter to the end of the word he didn't question where they are going.

Copter stopped at an unremarkable wooden door and slid a key on the keyhole things began falling into pieces.

"Did your dad...." Kimmon said with widened eyes entering the modern, semi-luxury condo apartment. "Did he buy you a condo?" he whispered in awe. During his twenty-seven years of life, no one had ever gifted him anything like this. Everything he owned, he had acquired with hard work and dedication. He felt that Copter is very lucky to have parents. His parents too would have loved him, Tae and Bas the same way if they were alive.

"What do you think?" Copter grinned turning around in the middle of the moderately furnished living room. Kimmon shook out his line of thoughts and focused on his boyfriend.

"Wow, Copter!" He exclaimed. "You own a condo now." He grinned back. "We can do all sorts of naughty stuff here," He winked.

Copter flushed yet his smile got pronounced.

"I couldn't believe dad when he gave this to me earlier than he intended to," Copter said going into the deep parts of the condo and switching on lights. "He wanted me to have privacy, now that I have a boyfriend." There's mortification in his tone. "When he said those words, I would have buried myself on the ground if I could."

"I think your dad is wonderful," Kimmon said truthfully, "Not to mention practical." They both entered the spacious bedroom.

"Yet, I was too shy," Copter went to the floor-length glass window and pulled the drapery back. The night view of Bangkok is beautiful from up there.

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