Chapter 3: Sometimes I Forget how Well you Know Me

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They stop in the courtyard and Merlin gets off his horse, taking care of it and then heading over to assist Arthur. Something strange has been happening between them lately, but neither of them care to admit that the air between them is changing. Arthur isn't asking Merlin to constantly do stuff for him. And Merlin decides to not question Arthur's insistence on them going alone on the hunting trip. He also decides to brush over how delicate and gentle Arthur was when he was teaching him.

Merlin takes the deer off of his horse and the two of them make their way to the Council Chambers. Arthur nods to the guards and they open the doors, letting them inside. "Arthur, welcome back." They bow quickly, exchanging quick glances. "I must say...congratulations. You actually caught something for once." Everyone breaks out into guilty laughter. "Err—sorry to disappoint you, father, but—I'm afraid my arm is too injured for me to hunt. This deer here—was caught by Merlin." He furrows his brows.

"Merlin?! You mean...your manservant?" He nods as Arthur shoots his father an uncomfortable smile. "I-err-I showed him how to hold it and he shot it for me." Uther bellows, shaking his head slowly. "Well if you're injured, why didn't you have the knights come with you?" Arthur looks down, fiddling with his hands awkwardly. "I-I just wanted to go alone." Uther burns Arthur with a stern frown, letting his shoulders relax after a few moments. "Alright, fine. Guards," the guards turn around and nod, "take the deer to the kitchen." They show no emotion as they grab the deer from Merlin, taking it away. "We'll have it for dinner tonight," Uther smiles as Morgana and Arthur exchange light nods. Arthur looks away quickly, not noticing the unsettling glares that Morgana and Merlin pass around to each other. Arthur and Merlin get excused, so they amble out of the hall and make their way to Arthur's chambers.

They step inside and Merlin closes the door gently behind him as Arthur grunts loudly, falling onto his bed. "Do you think you could get some type of pain relief from Gaius for my arm?" Merlin nods, pursing his lips softly. "Of course, sire." He scoffs as he leans against the backboard. "You really don't have to call me that. You can just call me Arthur." Merlin smirks goofily, cocking his head. "But—you've always made me call you Sire." He waves his hand in dismissal. "Don't worry about it. Just call me Sire around my father. And Morgana. Oh—and Gaius. A-and the knights." Merlin nods, raising a muddled brow.

" only want me to call you Arthur when it's just the two of us...?" He nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, yeah." Merlin's eyes widen slightly as he smiles uncomfortably. "Of course, Si—Arthur." He mumbles a few words, soon drifts off to sleep. Merlin rolls his eyes in disbelief that he's already asleep, but he grins right away once he remembers the opportunity it's giving him. He strolls on over to Arthur, placing a hand over his wound. "Purrhæle dolgbenn!" He feels pressure under his hand, quickly removing it and nodding once he sees that the wound is gone.

Merlin smiles proficiently, grabbing Arthur's basket of laundry and leaving his room to wash the clothes. As Merlin is walking down the hall, Morgana turns the corner ahead of him and they lock eyes. "Morgana," he mutters coldly, but she stops as they come face to face. "Merlin!" She smiles way too intensely as she speaks in a sickeningly sweet tone. "How was your hunting trip with Arthur?" Merlin squints his eyes, plastering an enthusiastic smile on his face. "Good. I mean—you were there in the room with us, you heard Arthur." She tilts her head, face filled with confusion. "Yes...I was there. I saw the way he talked about you. The two of you have become very...close." Merlin smiles uncomfortably. "Yeah—I guess." She smiles wickedly and walks away as Merlin huffs, shaking his head and heading to Gaius' chambers.

Once Merlin finishes washing Arthur's clothes, he wrings them out, setting them onto the table to dry. As he is finishing up, Elyan bursts through the chamber door. "Hey, Elyan. What's up?" He laughs nervously and shakes his head. "...Uther wants to see you." Merlin's smile fades immediately as he exchanges concerned glances with Gaius.

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