Chapter 6: No Words Needed

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Arthur asks everyone. The other servants, everyone in the kitchen, even Morgana. No one has seen Merlin anywhere. Arthur decides to go back to his room, sitting by the window and pondering for several minutes, trying to figure out where Merlin could've gone. Suddenly, an idea pops into his head, so he leaps off the sill of his window, bursting through his chamber door and sprinting down the hall. Within seconds, he's out the door and headed towards the stables. Quickly stumbling to mount his horse, he shakes the reins and they're charging down the path and through the gates.

Arthur arrives to Ealdor quickly, tying his horse and entering the village. As soon as he enters, everyone drops their things and the entire village falls silent. Arthur shakes his head, holding his hands up in a surrendering fashion. "No, no, no. I'm here for personal matters." They all nod and return to their normal activities. After a few moments, Arthur approaches Hunith's house, pressing a few light knocks on the door. Hunith opens it, smiling enthusiastically the moment she locks eyes with him. "Arthur! How nice to see you. How can I be of help?" Arthur nods, twiddling his thumbs awkwardly. "Erm," he furrows his brows, "I was wondering if Merlin stopped by here today? He isn't in Camelot, and I got worried."

Her smile fades and she nods slowly. "Can you give me a second? I that's in the fireplace." Arthur raises an eyebrow, but he nods understandingly. "Of course." She closes the door and Arthur immediately hears muffled voices, suddenly realizing that Merlin is in the house. A few minutes later, she finally opens the door. Nodding, she steps aside and lets Arthur through. Once he is inside, Merlin nods towards his mother and she leaves.

"Hello, Merlin." He sighs softly, pulling down the sleeves of his shirt and balling up the excess in his hand. "Hey." Arthur gently sits beside him on the bed, turning in his position to directly face Merlin. " told me that you only come here in times of distress...mind telling me what's going on?" He shakes his head, holding his hand up to face, and that's when Arthur realizes he's wiping his tears away. "Hey, hey. It's okay. You can tell me." Arthur pats his shoulder gently while Merlin sniffles. "I-I," he breathes out, "I can't." Arthur leans his head forward, furrowing his brows with concern. "Can't what?" He shrugs with a quivering smile. "Tell you." He whispers almost inaudibly, biting his trembling lip. "Okay," Arthur responds softly, "we can just sit here if that's what you want." He nods with no words needed, so Arthur lies down on his bed, Merlin following his actions and nuzzling up into Arthur's side. Arthur smiles, enjoying how good it feels to be in the company of his-


They sit in comfortable silence for what feels like an eternity, and after a while, Merlin falls asleep. Suddenly, Arthur hears the door creaking open, so he sits still, shutting his eyes and trying not to move a muscle. When his eyes flutter open, he catches sight of Hunith standing in the corner, smiling genuinely. He shakes his head with pleading eyes, but she nods in a way that he understands. He gets up carefully, managing to move without waking Merlin as he tiptoes his way over to Hunith.

" long has this been happening?" Hunith smiles as the two of them walk down the road of the small village. "Err--I don't know. It's pretty recent, I guess." She nods, inhaling sharply. "Well...although I don't understand it...I'm in full support." Arthur furrows his brows, stopping her gently and turning to face her. "Wait--really? I kind of thought you would think it's like...a sin. Like the rest of the world." She shakes her head, laughing softly with a light shrug.

"No, I mean...I told you I don't understand it, and that's because I don't. But if I was your mother, I wouldn't stop loving you any less just because you're different. Frankly, I don't see why it's that big of a deal in everyone's eyes." Arthur scoffs, nodding in agreement. "Well...hopefully, one day that'll change." She pats his back, smiling brightly. "I'm sure it will. But back to your situation...I think you truly have a chance." Arthur raises an interested brow, frowning with genuine concern. "What do you mean?" She tilts her head and exhales forcefully. "As much as I hate to say it...I think Merlin feels the same."

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