Chapter 13: I'll Always Be With You

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"Err—sire," Morgana leans towards Uther to speak privately, "don't you think Arthur should be here as well?" Uther shakes his head as Merlin slowly approaches. "No. He and I are going to have a...private conversation." Morgana smirks, slinking back into her seat and sighing contently. "Do you know why I brought you here today, Merlin?" Uther stares down on him like a blotch of mud on the sole of his shoe. "N-no, sire." He stands up, stepping down to meet Merlin's eyes with a pitiful frown. "Are you sure?" Merlin shakes his head vigorously, looking down to avoid Uther's gaze.

"Look at me, boy!" Merlin whips his head up, looking into Uther's eyes with such fear he begins to feel light-headed. "You know why you're here. I told stay away from Arthur. You knew what would happen if you didn't." Merlin nods slowly, smiling helplessly. "I know, si-" "Then what the hell were you doing?!" Merlin inhales sharply, feeling so small and worthless as he stands before The King, hunched over. "With all due respect, sire, I am his servant—it's quite literally my job." His eyes widen and he approaches Merlin suddenly, frightening Merlin. "You dare talk back to me?!" Merlin turns his head, exhaling unevenly. "Of course not, sire."

Uther scoffs, walking back up and sitting in his throne. "Do you deny that you were in Arthur's chambers last night?" "No, sire." Uther lays his arm down across the armrest on his throne, tapping it slowly. "And do you deny that you were in Arthur's chambers this morning?" Merlin looks down, scuffling his feet. "No, sire, I was just doing my job." Uther raises a peculiar brow. "I beg your pardon?" Merlin takes a deep, nervous breath. "Well, I mean--to be frank...? It is my job to make sure all the candles are blown out before he goes to sleep, and it's also my job to make sure he gets up at a reasonable time in the morning." Uther tilts his head, pondering for several moments.

"If that's the case, then tell me why Morgana saw you sneaking out of his chambers early this morning? According to her, you were out way before Arthur should've been woken up." Merlin glares toward Morgana with a snide stare. "Perhaps," He mutters under his breath, "she had ulterior motives...?" Apparently he wasn't soft enough with his words because Uther practically leaps out of his throne. "You have the audacity to speak out against my ward?" Merlin gulps nervously, shaking his head quickly. "No, sire." Uther crosses his arms, nodding slowly with a stern frown. "I'm sorry, Merlin. I told you to stay away from him, and you defied me. I have no choice but to banish you from Camelot."

"Sire, please!" Uther swallows, turning around and sitting back down. "You leave me no choice. This is for Arthur's own good! You will leave by the next coming nightfall." Merlin stands there, stunned, mouth agape. "Sire, pl-" he breathes out, "plea-" "My mind is made up." He nods to the guards at the end of the hall, and they open the door slowly. Merlin turns around, spinning back around one more time to make pleading eye contact with Morgana. She simply smiles lightly, raising her hand and waving elegantly. Merlin nods slowly, facing the doors and, with one foot in front of the other; he trudges to the end of the hall, frowning bravely as he shuts his eyes and tries to block the incoming flow of tears.


"Oh, hey, Merlin!" Arthur slows down as he notices Merlin's teary facial expression. "What happened? Are you alright?" Merlin shakes his head, pushing past him and darting off. "Wai-Merlin, wait!" He chases after him, following him all the way to Gaius' chambers. They both tumble inside, and Arthur slams the door shut, both of them fumbling to catch their breath. "Okay," Arthur pants, "start talking." Merlin shakes his head, biting his lip and placing his hands on his hips. "No. I-just—I can't." He reads Merlin's face, and within a few moments, he swallows while taking a few steps forward. "My father talked to you, didn't he?" Merlin nods and Arthur inhales nervously. "What did he say? He doesn't...know, does h-"

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