Chapter 4: The Arrival of Rodor and Alice

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Arthur wakes up to the sound of silence...A first for him. No blinding light, no Merlin hollering at him to wake up. Turning over, he notices Merlin curled up next to him, sleeping soundly. "My first time being the one up before him," he mutters to himself as he admires Merlin's ever-so-soft snoring. Suddenly, he realizes what he's doing while immediately jumping to a seated position.

Corrupt thoughts overflow his mind, but they quickly get interrupted by Merlin playfully punching him in the arm. "Hey," Arthur winces and they both laugh softly. "That's supposed to be my thing." Merlin chuckles, getting up and walking over to the curtains as he quickly pulls them apart and painfully bright light fills the room. "You should get up. I need to get your breakfast and get back to Gaius, he's probably going to have questions. And err-" As he opens Arthur's door, he turns around and gives him a forgiving look. "Thanks for letting me stay here. Your bed is really comfortable."

Arthur simply nods and Merlin leaves the room. Moments later, Morgana enters his chambers, slamming the door behind her and smiling innocently. "Hello, Arthur." He smiles uncomfortably while chuckling nervously. "H-hey, Morgana. Can I help you?" She folds her hands across her chest, nodding slowly. "No...I was just walking down the hall when I noticed Merlin leaving your room." Arthur furrows his brows, letting his eyes avert her as they wander about the room.

"Err-yeah, that's kind of what he does, every day. He comes in here, wakes me up, then he goes down and gets me breakfast. It's just how he does things." "Hmm." She slurs, nodding, and squinting her eyes suspiciously. "I just couldn't help but notice," she grabs one of the chairs from the table and pulls it closer to me, sitting on it and crossing her legs politely. "He's wearing the same outfit as he was yesterday." Arthur smirks, clearly confused. "Doesn't he wear like—the same thing every day...?" She tilts her head and looks away. "He alternates through a few different shirts." He shrugs, inhaling sharply. "What's your point?" She glares at Arthur with a smug grin. "My point kind of looks like he didn't end up visiting his chambers last night. Did you two go on another...hunting trip?" Arthur smiles half-heartedly, not even bothering to shake his head. "No, we never left the castle."

"Mm-hmm. So, if you two never left the castle...he was—here?" He turns away, hiding his face from Morgana. "Ah." She says quietly, accepting Arthur's defeat. "So...he stayed the night here. I-in your bed...?" Still turned away, he nods his head slowly, afraid to see her facial expression. "Arthur." He feels a hand on his knee, so he turns around to find Morgana smiling comfortingly. "It's alright. I could tell that Merlin was worried about something, I'm sure he just didn't want to be alone." Arthur grins anxiously, shocked that she didn't suspect anything...else. "Yeah, yeah. I don't really know what's going on with him, but he was crying, and he had a lot on his mind, so I just wanted to make sure he was going to be okay."

She pats his knee and nods understandingly. "Of course. I'm going to go to the Council Chambers," she gets up and heads towards the door, turning back and smiling sarcastically, "Uther wants to talk to me about Alice." Arthur plasters a fake smile on his face as she leaves his room. He can tell something is up with her, he just can't seem to figure out what.

Arthur flops back down on his bed, realizing that Rodor and Alice will be coming today. Moments later, Merlin strolls in with a bright smile and a plate in his hand. "Hi, Arthur. We need to get you dressed and fed as quickly as possible; The King wants you standing beside him in the Great Hall like—soon." Arthur nods hastily, hopping up off the bed and sitting at the table where Merlin set down the plate. "Thanks." Arthur's eyes follow Merlin as he trots over to my wardrobe to puts together his outfit. "So I saw Morgana leaving your room, what did she come to talk to you about?" Arthur smirks, shaking his head whilst remembering how similar this conversation is from theirs last night about his Father. "You." He twirls around and the corners of his mouth turn slightly upward. "What about me?" Arthur shoots out a quick breath, shrugging with a slight frown. "She knows you spent the night here, and she was just curious as to why." Merlin nods lightly, draping Arthur's clothes over the room divider. "Hmm. Did you sleep well at least?"

"Yeah, I slept okay." Arthur knows Merlin is the reason why he slept the best he has in such a long time, but he refrains from telling Merlin. "How about you?" Arthur sips his drink to hide his reddened cheeks. "Considering I was sleeping in that fancy bed, I slept amazingly. Anyway, finish eating so we can get you dressed and out the door." Arthur eats hurriedly and Merlin sits on his bed, twiddling his thumbs silently while he waits for Arthur to finish. Suddenly, without thinking, Arthur grabs his bread, tossing it over to Merlin. "Why am I holding your bread?" "You need to eat, Merlin." He smiles awkwardly, getting up and handing Arthur his bread back. "I do eat." Arthur puts the bread back in Merlin's hand, folding his fingers over and holding Merlin's hand in his own. "Not enough. It's just a piece of bread. Come on, Merlin. Just eat it." Merlin fails to hide his blush and adoring smile as he turns around, quickly consuming the bread.

Merlin helps Arthur get dressed, avoiding eye contact the entire time, looking off in the distance as he ties the front of Arthur's cape around his neck. "Hey," Arthur gently grabs his chin, moving it so Merlin's forced to make eye contact with him, "at least look at me. What's going on? You know you can talk to me, right?" He nods and looks down, uncomfortably shuffling his feet. "Yeah. I'm okay, really."

They walk in dead silence to the Great Hall. The guards open the grand doors, and the two of them walk inside, Merlin heading towards Gaius as Arthur makes his way to shake hands with his father. "Arthur! Right on time. Rodor and Alice will be here any minute." He sits in his Throne along with Arthur on the right and Morgana on the left. Arthur glances towards Merlin, observing that he's glaring at Morgana with angry eyes. As he looks over to Morgana, he becomes aware that she's giving him the same look. Arthur racks his brain for answers as the doors suddenly open and King Rodor walks in prodigiously. "Rodor!" Uther acclaims as he gets up to give Rodor a massive hug. A few moments later, a radiant young woman strides daintily through the doors. "Uther," Rodor exclaims, stepping aside and letting the woman step forward, "My daughter, Alice." Uther takes her hand in his, bowing lightly.

"Alice, I'd like you to meet my son, Arthur." Uther turns around and shoots a wide-eyed glare towards Arthur, so he nods abruptly, getting up and scuffling quickly towards Uther. "Alice. What a pleasure to meet you." Arthur takes her hand up to his lips, pressing a light kiss on it. "Likewise." Her voice is soft, soothing, and very flattering. "Merlin will show you to your rooms." Uther guides them back to the doors as Arthur follows close behind.

While they're walking, Uther nudges Arthur while nodding towards Alice. He rolls his eyes as he catches up to her, clearing his throat to grab her attention. "So, maybe once you get settled in your room, perhaps we could...go on an afternoon picnic?" She nods with a sweet smile. "I'd like that. I'll only need a few minutes to settle in, so...wait for me?" Arthur gives her a rightful smile, catching up to Merlin and patting his back. "Hey, can you get a picnic basket, blankets, and a few horses prepared? I'm going to take Alice out for a picnic."

He peers over at Alice with a smirk. " like her?" Arthur shrugs lightly, averting his eyes as they both feel the conversation lean on the serious side. "I guess. I mean, I have to get to know her first—obviously." Merlin nods slowly, swallowing as they turn the corner and open the first door, gesturing for Rodor to enter. He walks inside, and Merlin shows Alice to the room next to his.

After several minutes, Alice opens her door and steps out, grinning brightly once she sees Arthur leaning against the wall. "Arthur," she nods, looping her arm around his. "You ready?" Arthur nods as they walk down the hall, heading towards the front door of the castle. "Of course." They walk down the stairs to Merlin, who is prepping one of the horses. "Merlin! You ready?" He nods as he gently runs his hand over the horse's mane. Arthur assists Alice onto her horse, soon after hopping onto his own with the help of Merlin since his arm is still injured. Arthur practically gawks at Merlin while he jumps elegantly onto his horse, suddenly clearing his throat once he realizes that he had been staring at his biceps. Merlin sets out first, Alice following behind him and Arthur trotting at the end. 

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