Chapter 8: Race You Later

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Merlin barges into Arthur's chambers, smile fading as he observes Gwen making Arthur's bed. "Hey, Gwen? Wh-where's Arthur?" She laughs softly, turning to face Merlin with a small grin. "Training. Like he is every morning." She furrows her brows, mouth curling with concern. "What is going on with you, Merlin? You seem to be coming and going, not showing up for your duties. There's something wrong, I can tell. We used to be really close—remember?" Merlin nods rapidly, closing the chamber door behind him and taking a deep breath. "Sorry." He walks towards the table, plopping down into one of the dining chairs. "I've just been...dealing with some stuff. Personal stuff. I'm sorry that it's been keeping me from my duties." Gwen chuckles casually, strolling over to him and pulling a chair up next to Merlin. "It's fine. If it's just personal issues, I totally understand. And don't worry about your duties...Arthur overworks you anyway." She stands up and puts the chair back, heading towards the door. "I have to go check up on Morgana. Could you—finish the bed for me?" Merlin smiles genuinely, getting up and pushing his chair in. "Of course. See you later."

Once Merlin finishes making the bed, he looks out the window and watches Arthur as he trains with the knights, his sword swiftly swaying from side to side as he battles playfully with his friends. Somehow, amidst all the chaos of sword fighting, he still manages to move so elegantly. After about 10 more minutes, the knights finally wrap up their training, and Merlin grins once he notices that Arthur is heading back to his chambers.

"Merlin! Where ar-oh. Merlin." Arthur sighs contently as he enters his chambers, immediately noticing Merlin sitting at his desk, feet up and legs crossed. Arthur scoffs and crosses his arms, slowly ambling his way over to Merlin who has an idyllic grin spread across his face. " think you can just stroll up in here and put your feet up on my desk, huh?" Merlin shrugs and crosses his arms as well, mirroring Arthur's facial expression. "Fine," Arthur sighs with defeat, "why are you here?" Merlin puts his feet down, standing up slowly and taking lethargic steps towards Arthur until they're face to face, standing in silence for several moments. "to make things right."

Merlin grabs two fistfuls of Arthurs shirt, twirling him around and pinning him up against the wardrobe. Not another second goes by before they both surge forward simultaneously, lips crashing in a hasty, feverish kiss. Arthur grabs Merlin's face, caressing his cheek as he melts into the kiss that he never knew he needed so desperately. It only lasts a few seconds, but for them—it lasted a lifetime. All the tension in Arthur's shoulders releases as he slumps against the wardrobe door, both of them staring at each other with so much desire in their eyes that Merlin has to look away because he feels like Arthur is burning a hole in his skin. Finally, after several moments, Arthur breaks out into quiet laughter, putting a hand up to his face bashfully. "Damn," he breathes, Merlin soon joining him in his laughter. "Sorry, I just—I had to do that." Arthur raises his brows, smiling genuinely and shaking his head.

"Don't apologize. You just did what I never had the courage to do." Merlin chuckles uncomfortably, turning around and stepping away as sadness fills his face. "Well-you did have the courage to do it, but I ran off like an idiot." Arthur grasps Merlin's shoulders from behind where Merlin is standing, rubbing them gently. "You're not an idiot, Merlin. You' of the bravest people I've ever gotten the pleasure to know." He taps Merlin's shoulder and Merlin turns around, the two of them making stern eye contact as Arthur persists with a humorous smirk until Merlin finally smiles. "Come here." Arthur leans forward, pulling Merlin into a warm embrace, both of them sighing heavily as Arthur tucks his face into the crook of Merlin's neck. "Okay," Merlin pulls away and Arthur frowns. "Everything is normal. Nothing is different. We don't let this make anything weird between us, alright?" Arthur nods lightly, patting Merlin's arm as he heads towards the basket of clothes by the fireplace. "I'll get these back to you in no time, sire."

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