Chapter 7: Too Real

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Arthur finally makes it to Gaius' chambers, and with a shaky hand, he hesitantly knocks on the door. Moments later, Gaius opens the door and smiles contently once he sees him. "Arthur! What a nice surprise. What can I help you with?" Arthur asks if he can come inside, and Gaius obliges. "I was actually wondering if I could talk to Merlin?" His voice quivers as it comes out, and he feels the sweat begin to bead across his forehead. "Yes, of course. He's in his room, he just woke up a few minutes ago." Arthur nods, thanking him and strolling up to Merlin's room while slightly hyperventilating.

As Arthur enters the room, his face immediately lights up once he makes eye contact with Merlin. His covers are draped over the lower half of his body and he's sitting upon his bed, relaxed. "Oh, Arthur! Erm--I didn't realize you were coming...I-I-" "Hey, it's okay." Arthur sits on his bed, turning to face him and putting a hand on his leg to calm him down. Arthur feels his heart flutter as he hears Merlin's breath hitch once his hand makes contact with Merlin's leg. "Erm...why exactly are you here? Actually--how am I here? Because...I remember being at my mother's house, and now...I'm here." Arthur chuckles lightly, shrugging with an adoring smile.

"You fell asleep, so I brought you home." Merlin smiles acutely, nodding slowly. "Oh, cool. So...why are you here? Do you need me to get back to work?" They both chuckle lightly and Arthur shakes his head with a concerning frown. "No, I wanted to talk to you about something." His smile fades and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "Erm...okay...? Is this a-about—Alice..." Merlin trails off, but Arthur can clearly see the hurt in his eyes. "No, no, no. The complete opposite...actually." He sighs softly with relief, turning to face Arthur. "Alright...what's going on?"

Arthur rubs his hands together nervously, letting out a shaky exhale. "I-err-well...I guess—okay."

"When you fell asleep at your mother's house, we decided to go for a walk so we could let you sleep. While we were walking, I asked why you were crying, because...I-I don't know, I wanted to know." Arthur looks away once he sees the look of defeat on his face. "She told me everything," he exclaims softly, hanging his head because he's too afraid to look up and meet Merlin's eyes. "Oh, god." Merlin's voice is muffled, and when Arthur looks up, he sees that Merlin has his head in his hands, and tears begin falling onto the sheets. "God, Arthur. I'm so ashamed. I-I-I don't know what to say to you right now. I-I-" He gets up abruptly, hurrying towards the door. "I don't think I can deal with this right now." Without another word, Merlin bursts out the door, sprinting out of the Chambers and leaving Arthur sitting on Merlin's bed--alone.

"Erm...Sire...?" Gaius drags out his words as he makes eye contact with Arthur from below the stairs. "What just happened?" He shakes his head, eyes wide with disbelief and perplexity. "I--I have no idea."


After searching for what seems like hours, Arthur finally finds Merlin. In the Tavern. With Gwaine, so that cannot be good. "Arthur!" Gwaine shouts out once he sees Arthur entering, grabbing his shoulder firmly and dragging him towards a body draped across the bar counter. "Look who showed up!" The body rises, turning around, and Arthur's eyes widen once he sees who it is.

"Arthur," Merlin slurs, throwing his arm around Arthur, "so good to see you." Immediately, Gwaine's eyes widen once he sees Merlin's actions, and his jaw drops open once he notices that Arthur seems to lean into it. "Erm...okay...? Anyway--Arthur. What are you doing here?" Arthur chuckles, nudging the body draped across him. "I was looking for him, actually. Clearly—I've found him." Merlin burps lightly, laughing breathlessly and letting his head lull back. "Yeah. Clearly. One round, please!" He shouts to the bartender, dragging Arthur to the bar where they both sit down.

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