Chapter 9: You Lied To Me

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Merlin and Gaius finally return home after a few days. It took much longer than expected, but they were finally able to figure out the source of the sickness and cure it. As they arrive back in Camelot in the early morning; Merlin keeps sighing audibly, clearly annoyed, and Gaius smiles knowingly. "Go." Merlin glares at him with furrowed brows. "Go where?" "I'll take care of the horses," he nods towards the castle, "go." Merlin's eyes twinkle and he demounts his horse, walking at a brisk pace towards the castle.

He opens Arthur's chamber door to find the room empty—and completely silent. He shrugs, knowing Arthur is off doing something, but then he feels it. There is someone else in the room. He immediately stops dead in his tracks, scanning the room for any movement. But before he can react, he's hit on the side of the head with a blunt object, and within a moment; he is unconscious.


"Gaius, have you seen that—clot pole of yours? I know you both returned from Ealdor today, but he has yet to show up for his duties." Gaius lifts his head to make perplexing eye contact with Arthur. "I just saw him. I told him to go find you, you should've seen him hours ago...?" Arthur huffs, lifting his eyebrows as anger suddenly fills his face. "You saying he's missing?" Gaius strolls over to Arthur slowly, shaking his head at Arthur's concern. "No, not necessarily, but perhaps I should go find him." Arthur scoffs, turning around and storming off towards the door. "Nonsense. I'll find him. He...couldn't have gone far."

Arthur sits in his chambers, tapping his foot impatiently against the leg of his chair. After searching all of the castle and the entire lower town, his fear has grown immensely as to the whereabouts of his...friend. "Are you alright?" Morgana finally speaks after leaning against the door of his chambers for several moments, waiting for him to notice her presence. "Ah, Morgana. Is there something I can help you with?" She looks down on him with her head tilted upward. "No, I just came to check on you—but something's clearly troubling you." He waves his hand in dismissal. "It's nothing. Just-" he looks up at her and she smiles reassuringly, "Merlin's gone missing. Can't seem to find him anywhere. He seems to be going missing a lot." She frowns, sitting down in the chair beside Arthur. "I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps you for him?" Arthur's eyes glimmer hopefully and Morgana smirks. "I know you want to."

"It's no use. My father would never allow a search party out for a servant. Remember the whole situation with Gwenevere?" She nods once, raising a brow challengingly. "You could always go alone." He whips his head around to make hopeful eye contact with Morgana. "You're right. I shall leave at first light. Honestly-" he leaps up, hopping to the door with pride in his step- "I don't know what I'd do without you." He exits and Morgana sags her shoulders, grinning lightly with that familiar, wicked gleam in her eyes.

"Arthur. What is it you need?" Arthur bows lightly and the guards close the door behind him. "I have to leave Camelot for a day. Possibly two." Uther puts down his quill, eyes moving upwards to meet Arthur's in a piqued glare. "What is the meaning of this trip?" Arthur inhales sharply, folding his hand behind his back. "There are reports of a-" he freezes, trying to think of something on the spot- "sickness. In an outlying village. I'm going to help them as best as I can." Uther leans back in his chair, cocking his head slightly. "Take some men with you. This isn't a mission you should be embarking on alone." Arthur nods; face remaining emotionless. "I'm bringing Sir Leon and Sir Caridoc." "Very well." They nod to each other and Arthur turns around, sauntering out of the hall.


Merlin finally regains consciousness, squinting his eyes as they adjust to the light. Finally being able to notice his surroundings, he winces as sharp pain covers his arms, abdomen, and the back of his legs. Looking down, he sighs heavily once he sees the rope binding his body to the side of a tree. He groans as the rope seeps into his arms and the wood from the tree cuts into his legs. "Abricaþ benda!" The rope only seeps deeper and the wood cuts further into his already bleeding skin. He huffs, looking up as if to pray for strength. "Morgana."

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