Chapter 5: You Like Him...Don't You?

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They find a location overlooking the lake, so Alice and Arthur make small talk while Merlin sets everything up. Once Merlin finishes, he glances towards Arthur and nods lightly, so they walk towards the blanket, and Arthur lends a hand to help Alice sit down.

They sit and talk, enjoying the view and discussing things such as family, friends, and relationships. Arthur's engaged in the conversation, but he can't help to keep looking over at Merlin who is leaned against a nearby tree, admiring the overview. "So...that's your servant?" Alice asks gently, following Arthur's gaze. "Err--yeah. Merlin." She nods, smiling kindly. "He seems really nice." Arthur grunts in confirmation, ogling him unintentionally. "You like him...don't you?" Arthur's head quickly swivels back towards her. "Erm...yeah? He's nice, and he always does what I ask of him, no matter how long it takes him. So yeah, I like him." She squints her eyes, pursing her lips. "No. I mean...the have feelings kind of like." Arthur furrows his brows, tilting his head slightly. "W-what do you mean?" She scoots closer so only he can hear.

"I'm going to tell you a story. A couple of years mother and father started arguing a lot. Before that, their marriage was perfect, there were no issues. But for some reason, they suddenly started arguing, like...all the time. When I asked my father what happened, he said he was too ashamed to say. Finally, I asked my mother about it. She told me everything. Turns out, she fell in love with someone else." Arthur's eyes widen and he scoffs softly. "Isn't that like...not allowed?" She nods slowly, staring off in the distance. "Not only that, but she also fell in love with a druid." Arthur gasps, almost putting a hand over his mouth. "You're kidding, right?" She shakes her head, eyes glazed over. "You want to know the worst part?" "There's a worse part?!" She nods with a hysterical smile, looking down hesitantly. "The druid person she fell in love with?" Arthur leans in anxiously and she looks up at Arthur with calm eyes. "It was a woman."

Arthur freezes, tensing up while glaring at her with astronomically widened eyes and a gaping mouth. "Wh-no-w-y-you're kidding--" Arthur stammers and Alice pats his leg comfortingly. "I know, it's kind of...alarming." Arthur shakes his head in disbelief. "How did Rodor deal with that?" She shrugs lightly. "Well...obviously they can't separate...because that's not allowed. But what she did was not allowed either. So—they just don't sleep in the same room." Arthur raises an eyebrow. "Isn't that against the rules too?" She chuckles with a delicate smile. "Yeah, I's a compromise. However, do you get my point?" Arthur shakes his head slowly, leaning backward. "No...?" She raises her eyebrows and turns her head, pointing at Merlin while he's not looking. "You have feelings for him." Arthur laughs nervously, shifting uncomfortably. "Wh-no-no I don't." She laughs loudly, holding her stomach. "What?!"

"Oh please! I see the way you look at him. I noticed how awkward you were when we first met, how you were hesitant to kiss my hand. I noticed how your dad forced you to come talk to me. I noticed how your face lit up when you were talking to Merlin. And don't think I didn't see you gawking at his arms while he mounted his horse." Arthur falls down onto the blanket harshly, hitting the ground with an oomph. "Oh god. Please, y-you can't--you can't tell anyone. My own father would have me hanged!" She chuckles, waving her hand in dismissal. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. When I found out about my mother, I was shocked...and I hated her. But after a while I realized--she's still the same person. She's still my mom. So I accepted it. Obviously, no one else in this world accepts it, but I do. I'll even help you if you want." Arthur raises an eyebrow as he props himself up with his elbow. "H-help me?"

"I don't know...I could help you figure out how to tell him...?" "Tell him what?" Alice smiles dumbfoundedly, playfully smacking Arthur's arm. "That you have feelings for him!" Arthur inhales deeply, sitting up and running his hands through his hair. "No, no, no, no. I can't tell him!" Arthur whisper shouts, "he'll hate me for the rest of my life! He'll quit his job and never talk to me again. Everyone knows being together—is a sin! It's in the bible for Christ's sake! I-I can't...he'll hate me." She tilts her head slightly, pondering for a moment. "Do you think he has feelings for you too?" Arthur glares at her with an amused smirk. "Of course not." She grins challengingly, sitting up and squealing excitedly.

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