Chapter 10: A Love That Doesn't Require Words

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"Arthur. I can barely contain my excitement." Arthur groans as he's blinded by bright light sharply attacking his eyes. "Merlin, it's my wedding day. Can you let me sleep in just this once?" "Arthur." He finally manages to open his eyes, immediately scrambling out of bed as he sees his Father leaning against the wall. "Father. I...I wasn't expecting you here. What brings you here exactly...?" Uther chuckles deeply, walking over to Arthur and grasping his shoulders firmly. "I came to make sure you were prepared for your wedding day! Which-clearly-you aren't. Why are you not ready yet?" Arthur sighs heavily, turning around and trudging to his wardrobe. "Merlin?!" He shouts out loudly, looking back at his father with an uncomfortable smile.

"Sorry, Arthur, I was-oh," Merlin stops as he notices Uther, "sire. I-is this a bad time?" Uther raises a brow at Merlin, shaking his head slowly. "No, no. I was just checking up on my son. I should leave you to help him prepare for his wedding." Uther leaves the room, patting Merlin's shoulder on the way out. Merlin stands, in shock, as Arthur glares at him with a confused smirk. "Are you...are you—okay? You-" He walks over to Merlin who's still in shock, waving his hand in front of his face. Merlin shakes his head, smiling awkwardly. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just—your father. He's never...patted me on the shoulder before. He's never touched me before, let alone come anywhere near me. Why would he do that? What's changed? Was it punishment? For not being here in time to help you prepare? Why would he-" "Merlin, relax. He was just being nice."

Merlin glares ever so slightly down at him with a coy brow raised. "Okay, yeah, you're right; that was weird." Merlin nods, turning around and putting the plate in his hand on the table. "Here's your breakfast. I'll get your robes." Merlin saunters over to the wardrobe to grab Arthur's ceremonial robes. He's doing his best to hide his pain, but Arthur knows him too well. "Merlin." He breathes in sharply, trying to ignore Arthur's comment by searching through Arthur's wardrobe pointlessly because he already has Arthur's robes in his hands. "Merlin." His voice is much closer, right beside Merlin's shoulder. Merlin bites his quivering lip, already feeling the tears begin to form. "Merlin, ple-" "Don't. Just don't. I'm not mad, I promise."

"You know why I have to do this, right?" Merlin exhales slowly, nodding whilst turning around to face him. "I know, I know. It's just-" "I know." Arthur leans forward, wrapping his arms around Merlin's neck and pulling him into an earnest embrace. "Okay." Merlin pulls away, reaching behind himself and grabbing Arthur's robes. "Let's get you ready for your wedding, shall we?" Arthur smiles genuinely, eyes practically gleaming. "Yes. Thank you."

"Alright," Merlin straightens out Arthur's cape, "you're ready." Arthur turns around, taking Merlin's hands into his own and intertwining their fingers. "Thank you." He walks towards the door, turning around as they stare into each other's eyes with a love that doesn't require words. "You coming?"


"So," Alice catches up to Arthur as he's walking back to his chambers. "How does it feel to have a Princess and future Queen now?" Arthur chuckles as they begin walking up the steps. "It feels...anticlimactic. I always thought it'd be Gwen in your place, but—some things just aren't meant to be." She looks up at him with a genuine smile, wrapping her arm around his and leaning into his side. "You know who is meant to be?" Arthur rolls his eyes as they turn the corner. "I don't want to hear it." She huffs with a playful pout. "You know I'm right. I need to tell him." He twists his mouth into a perplexed grin. "Tell him what?" She stops him, turning so they can face each other. "Everything."

"Merlin?" Gaius opens the door to Merlin's room, closing it gently behind him as he sits on the side of Merlin's bed. "Are you alright?" Merlin chuckles uncomfortably as he sits up beside Gaius. "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Gaius glares at Merlin with a genuine frown. "I know it was difficult. Watching Arthur...up there today." Merlin gets up, heading the corner of the room to aimlessly rummage through his things. "Why would it be hard...?" "Because you love him." He freezes, and the room becomes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "It's okay, Merlin. Honestly, it's quite obvious. Frankly, if Uther wasn't so clueless, he'd notice right away and have you hanged. You two stare at each other way too often, you know." They both let out a much-needed laugh and Merlin sits back by Gaius' side.

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