Let's Celebrate

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Time skip! Almost four months. Enjoy! The picture above is for the party in this chapter! My mouth is watering 🤤

It has been four months since Bruce's world went though many different, and juristic changes. Natasha came back to life, along with Tony and now Natasha was pregnant, he still doesn't know how that even happened, neither did she. On top of all of that, the two planned to wed the next week. Of course with having Pepper and even Tony involved, they were forced to have a party. Natasha refused to do any bridal party. She couldn't enjoy the normal things most brides would anyways due to her current state. She also didn't have that many close female friends either. So who was coming to the party then? Well, some old teammates who knew Natasha was alive and could keep a secret, along with a few of Tony and Pepper's personal friends.

Did Natasha care about this? Not really. All she cared about was the mountains of food that cluttered the counters in the kitchen. Natasha was now 15 weeks pregnant and all she did was eat, sleep, repeat. Luckily nobody caught onto this yet, she was a master at hiding things like this. However, with all of this food she would have to be careful to not eat more than normal infront of all of the guest and cause any red flags. It didn't help that all of the food was currently making her mouth drool. The chips, the egg rolls, the cookies, everything was so beautiful. Minus the sushi. Right now, Natasha hated sushi. Seeing any kind of fish would make her feel sick to her stomach, she just blames it on her developing fetus.

Currently the only people in her secret was herself, Bruce and now Dr. Strange. Natasha was a little nervous about telling the wizard, but Bruce proved to her why they should tell him. This had to be the missing piece they were looking for to solve this mystery. Natasha was here for a reason, and not just because Bruce wished on a star every single night. Strange has kept his word with the couple and never told a sole about her pregnancy. Instead he used this information to further research to see if this really was the answer they were looking for. As of now, Natasha wasn't focused on finding that out, instead she was focused on the large buffet in the kitchen. She already had a plate filled up with many of the different delicious selections. She even forced Bruce to grab another plate for her and pretend that it was his. Natasha knew she had to play safe with this, but the fetus had differently plans.

"I feel fat..." Natasha mutters as she takes a bite of the cookie. Bruce watched her and shook his head.

"You're not fat Natasha, you're really beautiful." He replied to her, "we've been over this." At 15 weeks, Natasha was staring to show a little bit more. She manages to hide it though, she mostly replies on sweatpants and Bruce's hoodies. She didn't wear them constantly however, that's just made it obvious that something was up. When she wasn't wearing sweatpants, she was keeping her distance from the others so they didn't have a long time to look at her. Eventually she would find the right time to tell them all, but right now wasn't it. Right now was time to feast.

"I am." She mutters, "I'm really fat." She goes to walk out fo the kitchen.

Bruce quickly follows her with her second place of food. Natasha looks around to see a ton of people in the living room chatting their mouths off. Natasha wasn't really in the mood to talk to anybody so she went to find an empty spot on the couch for her and Bruce to sit at. "Natasha!" Pepper calla out to her, "about time." She walks over with a soft smile, "I see that you found the food. Those egg rolls are amazing." She explains then looks at Bruce. "Wow, I've never seen you eat this much."

Bruce shrugs, "I don't do so well in big social events like this. Stress gets the best of me sometimes. Everything looked so delicious too, I had to get a plate." He gets Natasha out of this one. Natasha was too busy munching down on a cookie to notice the two were talking.

❤️ 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒹𝓇𝑒𝓃 ❤️Where stories live. Discover now