The Dare Game.

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'Bro, you okay?' asked Geoff.

'yeah, yeah' I brushed off. Duncan's dont do mushy.

'Well, if it cheers ya up dude Bridge and her friends are still coming' I perked up at that.


'Ya betcha' Geoff smiled, 'NOW LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED! WOOOO!' he screamed. Honestly, Geoff is still a kid. I grinned at him and grabbed a can of beer.

'Let's get wasted'


'Dude, you still waiting?' Geoff said. It's been an hour since the party started and the girls were a no-show.

'I wasn't waiting' I growled. Catch me waiting for some girl who has no interest in me.

'Then why have you been sitting in front of the front door for the last hour?' He teased.

'Shut up' , and I threw my beer can at his face. I got up, and shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts of wide onyx eyes.

'Imma go get laid' I said, and slouched off to Geoffs pool, were all the hot chicks were hanging out.

You upset a random girl.

'shut up brain' I mumbled.

She was anorexic.

'Shut. Up.' Duncan mumbled, gritting his teeth. He started kicking his feet on the floor, scuffing his shoes.

'You shouldn't do that, you'll only risk stubbing your toe and ruining your shoes' A familiar ticked voice scolded. He lifted his eyes, and this girl wasn't the same hoodie one from the sushi place.

She looked happier, and honestly,

Hot. As. Fuck.



When he looked up, he looked surprised, and his mouth hung open.

'You'll catch flies' I teased. I still felt super uncomfortable wearing anything but my hoodie, so I wrapped my arms around myself.

'How'd I look?' I muttered shyly, then looked down at the floor. He still hadn't said anything. 'Okay...?' I teetered off, then slowly turned around to leave, trying not to show I was hurt.

'Wait!' I heard hims shout. 'You look great, great. Sorry about that...just fact, sorry about everything really, I didn't know...and just...' I cut him off.

'It's fine' I smiled up at him. 'I forgive you, I mean you didn't know, right?

'yeah..' he muttered something, turned around and fucking left.

'Umm bye...' I squeezed my eyes shut to try stop the tears falling out. I am fat. This was my fault for thinking I can pull off any piece of clothing that shows my stomach. I wrapped my arms around myself again. A tear slid down my check, and Ii felt a hand brush it away.

I opened my eyes, and I was met with spawn of hell himself.

Scott. My ex-boyfriend.

(A/N I'm literally forcing myself to write at this point)

'What the fuck are you wearing slut?' He sneered, grabbing my torso, burying his head in my hair, as if to seem he was murmuring sweet-nothings. 'You think that just because you broke up with me you can think your pretty' He cackled. 'No chance. I saw how you were with that boy, all big- eyed and acting all flirty. Well you know what you are? A big fat S-L-U...'

'COURTNEY' I whipped my head around, trembling, to see Bridgette and Heather making their way here.

'Bye, bye my little out' he smirked, then bolted off.

'Was that..' Bridgette started.

'Scott?!' Heather yelled. I nodded, my body shaking all over again.

'Oh its okay Court, we can go back to our apartment if you want?' Bridgette smiled, pulling me into a tight hug, and pulling in a ranting Heather.

'N..No, I'm fine' I plastered the biggest smile I could muster on my face and hugged them back. 'You girls go have fun, I'll be by the pool if you need me.' Then I hurried off, not wanting to worry them anymore.

'Wait Court.. Geoff's hosting a game of Truth or Dare...wanna come?' I looked up at there hopeful eyes.

''Yeah, sure!'

I had a bad feeling about this, with Scott being here and my bff's not knowing what happened between me and Duncan, this is gonna be one big recipe for disaster.




'Stupid me, stupid ADHD, stupid, stupid, stupid,' I groaned, facepalming.

'Hey dude, you wanna play a game of truth or dare? We're all playing by the pool!' Said Geoff, knowing his friend well enough not to ask whats wrong this time.

'Yeah sure.' I bared my teeth at him and walked over to pool, swaggering a bit. I spied Courtney out of the corner of my eye and saw that she was probably crying, and my face fell for a second. I fixed it before anyone could tell though.

I sat down next to my cousin, Gwen, and fist-bumped her.

Geoff announced the game, and picked his first person.

'Alejandro, truth or dare?' Geoff grinned.


'Lick the floor'


'I said lick the floor. That or a truth.'

'Truth then.'

'Sooo, do you like Heatherrr?' Geoff asked, batting his eyelashes, making the group giggle and laugh. Alejandro groaned.

'I do' He said, winking at the Asian, who was busy picking at her nails and acting like she couldn't care less, however a light blush was spreading across her pale face.

The group oooohed and wolf whistled like a bunch of teens.

'My tuuuuurn' Sang Heather, skimming her eyes across the crowd. They landed on me.

'Duncan Donuts, truth or dare' She sneered.

The group hollered, being 95% drunk.

'Dare, I ain't a pussy like your Hispanic sugar daddy over there.' I snapped.

'OOoooo, feisty aren't we? She snapped back. 'Well then Mr. Bad-boy, why don't you get your ass over here and give sweet little Courtney a peck on the lips?' She smirked. Courtney's head snapped up from her feet.

'Uh, um.. well, uhh' she fumbled, while I grinned at her.

'She's mine' A voice thundered.



Hi guys i'm sorry this chapters a shit hole with a side of crap but I literally forced my way through this chapter, I just wanna
lay down and sleep but I can't for reasons that will take pages to understand. I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes or shit grammar I don't wanna edit this now, i'll probs look back at it tomoz and cringe so yeah.

Please leave a comment if you liked this shat chapter and upvote if you like the story,

all that other stuff love ya xx

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