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Mommy and daddy's wedding is really pretty. I get to be the flower girl and skip in front of them while throwing some little rose petals everywhere. I'm sitting in this fancy hotel room with mommy now. She's wearing a really pretty dress, just like a Princess. Daddy calls her princess too.

I get to wear a pretty dress too, all blue and puffy to match the bridesmaids

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I get to wear a pretty dress too, all blue and puffy to match the bridesmaids.

Mommy's acting's all worried now, saying things like 'what if he doesn't show up?' Aunt Bridgette is trying to comfort but I don't think it's working

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Mommy's acting's all worried now, saying things like 'what if he doesn't show up?' Aunt Bridgette is trying to comfort but I don't think it's working. Auntie Heather whispered something in her ear and she seemed to calm down a bit.

Mommy gets to wear a pretty white tiara with her dress, and she really does look like a Princess.

'Clover' Mommy says beckoning me to her. 'It's your turn to go out, make me proud honey' and she kisses the top of my head. Auntie Heather walks me out of the hotel and into the other side of the road, which is where the beach is. Mummy says daddy said he loves her here and that this is a special place for them.

I put on a big smile like mommy showed me and I started walking down the makeshift aisle towards the altar.

I started throwing little flowers everywhere but not too much at a time. I could see daddy in a white tuxedo with a green tie to match his spiky hair. I want to have my hair like that when I get bigger.

He was wearing his old red converse shoes, and Uncle Geoff stood next to him.

I saw my cousin Damien walk along next to me with the rings. We stood and waited by the altar.

The bridesmaids came in, which were Auntie Heather and a couple other cousins and sisters from daddy's side.

Then auntie Bridgette came in as the maid of honour.

Then mummy did, and she was escorted by Bridgette's dad because grandpa said he was 'busy today'. Mommy cried when he said that, but she was okay after a bit. I looked at daddy and nearly laughed 'cause he looked so happy with a big goofy grin on his face.

Mommy reached the altar, stood in front of Daddy as he started saying his vows.

'Courtney. I've never met someone so confident, and smart and beautiful as you. I love you so much not enough words could ever express how much I feel for you. You bring light into my world, and I could never ask for more than what I have now and what you've given me. Because Courtney Barlow soon-to-be-Nelson, when you walked into my life, love walked in too. I vow to love you with every ounce I have in me'

A lot of people were crying, and I could tell daddy was about to burst into tears.

Mommy started her vows next.

'Duncan, I vow to love you as you love me, through all hardship, darkness, and pain to reach for our joys, our hopes, and always with honesty and faith. All I have in this world I give to you, I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life.' She took a deep breath. 'Because Duncan Nelson, I love you' Daddy was crying as well now, which is a bit funny as he says that he never cries.

'Duncan Nelson, do you take Courtney Barlow to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart?'

'Duh..I mean I do' Daddy said, making everyone laugh.

The priest turned to mommy. 'And do you, Courtney Barlow, take Duncan Nelson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart?'

'I do' said mommy.

'I present to you Mr and Mrs Nelson' everyone clapped. 'You may now kiss the bride'

Daddy kissed mommy for a bit then walked back down hand in hand.

Mommy grabbed my hand as well gently and we walked around talking to people.

I can't wait for my happily ever after.


That's it. This is the end. Just one chapter of me saying thanks then this book is officially completed!

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