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After living with Duncan for 3 days now, I have to say, I wasn't really shocked when I picked my way through his mess of a room to see him balancing on his head in front of his bed while playing a video game.

'What the hell are you doing?' I said, raising my eyebrow. He ungracefully fell down from his position with a bump, grinning.

'You see.' he started, 'I wanted to see if I could win the game upside down'

I interrupted him, holding my hand up.

'So your genius of a self thought, 'hey, i'm gonna stand on my head!' because, you know, that's super smart, isn't it Duncan' I snorted. He rolled his eyes at me and threw me a controller. It caught me off guard, causing it to hit me on the head.

'Ow,' I grumbled. He smirked at me even more (if that's even possible at this point) and I flung myself onto his bed, sprawling about on my tummy. Duncan looked up at me from the foot of his bed and hit the 'New Game' button.



'That's not fair' she whined, pouting. She then proceeded to hurl her controller across the room as hard as she could.

'Oi! Watch my controller!' I said.

'But it's not fair!' she cried, stretching the 'air' in fair.

'It so is' I smirked, 'I guess Miss C.I.T. isn't the best at everything.' I drawled. 'On second thoughts, I always thought it was Miss C.U.N...' I couldn't finish my sentence though, due to her throwing a pillow at my head. I laughed at her and threw it back.

'Shut up' she grumbled, and rolled on to her back. 'Wanna play another round?' she asked.

Her legs were spread on either side of the bed, and she was only wearing pajama shorts and a sports bra, due to the massive heat wave this summer. And from where I was sitting I got a full frontal view of her...well, you know.

'So, what do you say?' She said getting up. I quickly averted my eyes back on the screen.

'Uh, what were you saying again?' I replied awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck. She didn't notice my uncomfort, and just huffed and repeated what she said.

'I was saying, do you reckon we make the most of this weather and go outside? I dunno, do whatever normal people do.'

I looked at her, with a straight face.

'Us? Normal? You have to be kidding me.' I said, as seriously as I could. She threw another pillow at my face.

'Okay, okay, I was just asking!' She said, pretending to be annoyed, but I could hear her holding back a giggle.

'Nah, I was only playing with ya, where do you wanna go?' I said finally, as she was starting to stretch out her limbs.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, we heard the shrill sound of the doorbell.

'I'll get it!' se siad, jumping out of my room and running to the doorbell. I smiled fondly. I felt... proud of her, to be able to bounce back so quickly after everything that happened. I could hear squealing and giggling from my room. I finally got up, and walked towards the noise.

Heather, Bridgette, Geoff and Alejandro were all here.

'Didn't we already have our flat warming party like, what, two days ago?' I said. Heather shot me a glare and I smirked at her.

'Carry on like this, and I'll reconsider bringing you with us' She said, turning her nose upwards.

'Where? Shopping? No thanks sweetheart.' I snapped back. Courtney started biting her nails, it was a nervous habit of hers. Me and Heather dont really...get along, per say. I don't think she's forgiven me yet after the sushi-place incident. I tried to calm my anger, for Courtney at least.

Since when did Duncan Nelson calm down? For anyone?

I pushed the thought out of my head, and shot Heather a last glare.

'As I was saying, someone' She paused to flip her hair. 'Very generously paid for us to have a 3 day beach holiday at my uncle's holiday beach house in...' She paused for dramatic effect.

'MALIBU!' She yelled. Courtney and Bridgette jumped on her with hugs, squealing and thanking her.

'When are we going?!' Said Courtney, jumping up and down excitedly.

'Tomorrow morning!' Heather claimed.

Uh, oh. I thought. Here comes the Courtney Freakout.

'TOMORROW MORNING?!' Courtney screeched. 'I WON'T HAVE TIME TO PACK, ORGANISE MY THINGS, AND NOT TO MENTION CLEAN! OUT, OUT. ALL OF YOU!' She shouted, pushing them all out.

'PICK YOU UP AT 7:00 AM SHARP!' Heather yelled, just as Courtney slammed the door in their faces. She turned to me and glared.

'Get your shit ready.'



Not gonna lie, not my best work.

Sorry that's it pretty short as well, I'll promise I'll make up for it in the next chapter when they're on holiday 😋.

We're nearly done with this book then I'm starting a new one eee.

Again, sorry for the short chapter xxx

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