Beach Days: Pt-2

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We went through security and the passport checks, and waited for a little while to board the plane. Me and Princess were seated together with some random brunette girl next to us, Bridgette and Geoff sat together 2 rows behind us and no one was seated next to them, and Heather and Alejandro (who had suddenly become the hot new couple after the half hour car journey) were seated behind Bridgette and Geoff next to some dumb blonde but heather glared at her with such disgust and hate that she backed off and sat in a spare seat next to some old man.

Me and Court made idle chat while the plane was about to take off. The announcement to buckle your seatbelts was turned on, and a little sign with a buckled seat belt came up above our heads.

As we were about to take off, I grabbed Courtney's hand. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I awkwardly smiled at her.

'I've never flown before' I said, squeezing her hand. Her hands. Were really small and soft, her nails were small as well, and she kept them short...

'Awww, mister bad boy is scared of flying?' She cooed. I glared at her, but she held my hand back and squeezed a little.

'It'll be fine' she whispered, smiling. I nodded at her a little and shut my eyes.

Not that I was scared of anything, I was just... resting my eyes.

When I reopened my eyes, we were flying smoothly, it felt as if being on a boat. I was sitting next to the window, so I pulled the blind thingy up and looked out. We were high up. Really high. I shut it quickly and turned to Courtney, who was sitting in the middle seat.

The girl (who was sitting in the aisle seat) shot me a weird look and then turned back around again.

'So' said Courtney, turning. 'Tell me more about yourself.'

'You literally know everything by now'

'I want to know the important stuff. Like...' she stopped to think. 'If you could only eat one thing for twenty days straight, what would it be?'

I chuckled slightly. 'That's 'important stuff?'' I echoed. She nodded enthusiastically. 'Well, hmm, let me think. Pizza. Definitely pizza.'

She giggled a little. 'My turn to ask you a question' I said as she smiled, waiting. She was so beautiful. So, so beautiful.

'Do you crack your joints?' I asked, steering away from my side thoughts. She scrunched upy her nose.

'No, blah, I hate the noise.' She replied.

I smirked and started cracking my knuckles.

'Ew, stop it you Neanderthal. Ew. Stop. Stoop! I hate you!' She whined.

I stopped and rolled my eyes. 'Okay miss-pole-up-my-ass' she poked me.

'I haven't got a pole up my ass'

'Yes you do'

'No I don't!'




'Don-' she was interrupted by the food cart lady, who was looking at us a little weird. She must've heard our little argument. Oops. She asked the other girl first.

'Anything you would like ma'am?' The strange girl just shook her head and closed her eyes again. She turned to us.

'Anything for you two?' She said.

'Yes, can I please have a coffee and a buttered bagel?' Said Courtney.

'I'll have the same as her.' I said.

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