My Knight in shining armour...

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*Trigger warning: rape, suicide, anorexia ⚠️


I look up, and my eyes meet with Scott's. He's fuming, his face matching his startling red hair.  Bridgette looked worried, here eyes questioning me. Heather was boiling, her hands curled into tight fists.  I found my eyes wandering towards Duncan's.

He looked confused.

The entire circle was looking at me. Then Scott. Then back to me. Then Scott again.

Scott was glaring at me.

'What are you waiting for then? I need to speak to you' He spat.  Heather stood, and opened her mouth to (probably) yell.  I shook my head at her, then offered them a weak smile.

'I'll be back' I said then stood up to follow Scott. He couldn't do anything to me. Not in front of so many people.

I looked back at Heather and Bridgette. They looked stunned.

'Don't worry' I mouthed towards them. I was going to finish what I started with Scott. Once, and for all.



'Suddenly, I don't feel like playing anymore.' Said Bridgette.

'Same' mumbles Heather.

'I second that' Geoff added.

'You guys wanna explain to me or?' I asked them. Bridgette got up, and she beckoned me over.

'I'll explain. Let's go guys.' She looked towards the rest of the circle, who were watching everything unfold.

'I'll come.' Alejandro added. 'I need some explanation too'

Heather huffed. 'Fine. You lot can carry on with your game then' Heather snapped. Stomping towards Bridgette.


'Scott is Courtney's ex' Bridgette paused. 'Her only ex'

Geoff pitched in.

'He fucked up her mind dudes, made her think she was fat, he beat the shit out of her whenever she so much as said 'no' to him, he insulted her...he...he...'

'He did so much more. He didn't even let her see us.' Heather interrupted.  'It took her a full 3 years to get over him' Her eyes were glassy.  'She would tie herself to her bed to stop herself from eating, she would force herself to throw  up if she did eat, she even tried k....kill herself' Heather was full on sobbing now, a mess on the floor. Alejandro put his arm around her. She didn't resist.

'All because of him' She snarled, in between sobs. Her head hurried into her chest.

'Speaking of him, I thought he was gonna have a 'chat' with her.  Where is he now?' Shouldn't we go looking for her? Maybe..'  I didn't want to finish my sentence.

A piercing scream rang in our ears.  Courtney.



It hurt. It really really hurt. He was slamming into me, at full speed, only to stop and slap me every now and then, or if my knees gave away.

It was stupid of me to trust him. Just a little bit of me. Thought that maybe, maybe he was going to apologise. Maybe we could go back to normal. But long gone was the sweet farm boy I first laid eyes on. Now it's an animal, set to kill. Specifically, me

He ripped the tape from my mouth, yanking my head to the side.

'Learnt your lesson slut?' He said, his voice dripping with venom.

I let out the loudest scream I could. He seized me in his hands and threw me across the room.

'COURTNEY!' Bridgette....

'COURTNEY!' Heather....

'COURTNEY, DUDE!' Geoff....


The door was bashed down, and there he was. My knight in shining armour. I would've thanked him. If I wasn't passing out.

'It's okay Court, I'm gonna take you to the hospital.' He whispered.



Yeah, yeah short chapter. It's exam week, my back hurts, and I'm sorry for not uploading in two weeks. Bright side though: got my phone back! Aaand.... I'm starting a new story! I'm not planning on much more chapters on this story, maybe 4 more and an epilogue. Keep watch on my one shot's, I'll be updating those too!

Love you all, blah blah blah ughhhh I'm tired.

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