Help Me.

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We spent the first half an hour watching Hotel Transylvania, when a nurse came in.

'Visiting times over Mr...?' She teetered off.

' Barlow' I said. The nurse looked up.

'Barlow?' She repeated.

'Yes, I'm her...husband' I grinned. I could practically feel Courtney's eyes burning holes behind my head. 'And because I'm am her husband, may I please be allowed an hour more - just to finish our movie?' I asked, smiling at her, all charm.

'Of course, of course, Mr Barlow' she giggled, then finally fully unhooked Courtney to the machine. She passed her a tray.

'Here you are Miss, uh, I'm I mean Mrs Barlow.' She said, all Disney voice and rainbows. I could see Courtney's eyes widen, and could feel her internal panic.

'Uhh, we're all good here. Bye.' I ushered her out, sending quick glances to Courtney who was having a series of panic attacks.

'Remember, only an h-' I slammed the door in her face, rolling my eyes.

'Hey, Princess' I whispered, trying to get her to look at me. 'It's going to be okay. Deep breaths. In, out. In out. Courtney? Are you listening to me?' She looked up at me with frantic eyes.

'Help me' she choked out.

'I am Courtney, but I need to know if you are listening. Try to focus. Listen to what I'm saying, in out, in out. Do you feel better?'

She was nodding, but her breathing was still uneven. I took the cart of food and pushed it to a corner.

'Look, look Court. All gone. Nothings here.' I said. Repeating it over and over again, patiently till the end of her panic attack. She looked up at me and offered me a weak smile.

'Let's resume the movie' she said, and slumped further down her bed, closing her eyes.

We carried on watching the movie, and just as the credits rolled in, the nurse came back in saying that Mr Barlow really does have to leave now, and that he is welcome tomorrow. Luckily, she didn't mention the food.

I got up, waved bye to Courtney and left.

When I got home, I opened my old laptop, and got to research.


Author's Note:

Hey, I knowwww it's super short, but...

Nothing. I literally have no excuse o just can't be asked and I'm already hating this story halfway through.

See, this is why I shouldn't write 😂

I'll update another chapter soon. Keep a look out on my story 'Anxious' as well. I'll be updating that and the Duncney one shots. Any suggestions welcome 💋.



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