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I took off my T-shirt and covered her with it, she was shivering and half naked. I could see bruises forming all across the inside of her thighs.

I lifted her up into my arms, and her lips started to form a couple words, but she suddenly stopped, and I could feel her slump into me as she passes out.

That red-haired scumbag fled before we could catch him. Geoff was calling for help, and soon we could hear the sirens of ambulances and police cars.

Most people had scrammed, thinking that the police was busting them for being too loud, or for some people's case; drug use.

Leaving Geoffs place completely empty, sort from me, Bridgette, Geoff, Alejandro and Heather.

The next couple minutes were a blur, some people came and took Courtney, and a policeman came and questioned us. He then gave me and the rest of us a piece of paper with a number and an address. I was pacing up and down the room, when I suddenly heard one of them whisper ring and muttering to the other.

'You sure maybe this kid might've raped her? Looks like the criminal sort'

They were talking about me.

'Come to think of it, I've seen that green mohawk a couple times before at the police station...'

I turned to them and glared, containing my anger because I'm just as much of a suspect as that Scott kid is. I strode out, passing Bridgette crying into Geoffs T-shirt, along with a sobbing Heather being comforted by a tried looking Alejandro.

Come to think of it, we were all pretty tired.

'Where are you going bro?' Asked Geoff. His voice had an edge to it, as if he was about to cry.

'These shit police aren't gonna do anything.' I retorted, and started to run to my motorcycle.

'I'm gonna get the job done' I started revving up, then zoomed off, hearing a distant 'wait' in the background.




Flashing lights.

The distinct smell of a hospital. I hate hospitals.

'Duncan...?' I muttered.

'I'm sure your boyfriend will come and visit soon, but for now honey, just relax okay?' A smiley lady said.

'He's not my...' I started, then the world blacked out again.



I was racing around the city, looking for a certain red head.

He was gonna get it, big time.

It was well into the night when I finally spotted him leaving a convenience store; super nonchalant, as if he didn't just fucking rape his ex-girlfriend.

'Hey dickhead' I shouted, then started walking towards him.

'Ah, it's the man-whore' he spat.

'Me?! Your the one who raped her you fucking PHSYCO'

I could see his face matching the colour of his hair.

'Say it agin you little...'

He was interrupted but my first in his face, and soon enough we were rolling around on the floor, bits of splattered blood staining the ground.

His fist connected with my face, and I socked him in the stomach. I could hear the store manager screaming for us to stop all he'll call the police. The sound of sirens filled my ears, and I yanked Scott off the floor and held him up by his collar, making sure he won't escape. My jaw was throbbing, and my knuckles were stained with blood. I could feel blood trickling down the side of my face.

But nothing mattered, because I've got him now.

The policeman arrived, and I threw Scott at them. I recognised them as the two police men from back at Geoff's place.

'That's your rapist' I snarled.

'He matches the description from those kids back at their house' he muttered, then eyed me.

'You must be one faithful boyfriend. Your girl must be lucky to have you' he said, nodding approvingly.

'She's not my...' I was cut off by Scott's mumbling.

'I'll get you. I'll get her. I'll get you. I'll get her. I'll get you. I'll get her.' He repeated it over and over again, in some sort of manic way as the police arrested him.

'We're not done with this case yet son, well have to get the poor girls point of view on everything, but till then, your free to go.' He paused, and seemed to be thinking. 'We'll contact you when we need you' He finished, then got into the car. Leaving every part of my body aching, but filled with pure and utter satisfaction.

No one hurts Princess, even if he barely knows her.

The barely knowing part. Yeah, he was gonna change that.



I could here a soft voice calling my name.

'Hey Court'

I opened my eyes, and they met with Bridgette bright blue ones.

'Bridge!' I smiled.

She started crying, and called Heather, Alejandro and Geoff to make there way across the room.

'We thought Scott killed you' she sobbed. I started soothing her, but I couldn't pat her properly as I was tied to the hospital by a bunch of tubes. My bottom lip was covered in some sort of tape. I could feel pain everywhere, and I could spot vivid bruises up and down my arms.

I craned my head, looking for a certain teal-eyed someone. Heather stopped sobbing to laugh at me.

'Some ones eager to find someone.' She teased.

'Shut up' I huffed. 'I just wanna say thanks'

'He disappeared after the medics took you' Geoff said.

'Oh' Not going to lie, I was kind of disappointed.

'I'm sure he'll turn up' said Bridge.

'Yeah...' I muttered.

'PRINCESS' I heard someone shout. 'TELL THESE DIPSHIT'S IM HERE TO VISIT' Duncan came bursting into the door followed by a bunch of running nurses yelling at him to leave and that 'Miss Barlow has enough visitors', 'cursing is prohibited in this building' and that they would 'call the police'.

'No, no it's fine' I informed them. They raised there eyebrows, adjusted a couple things on my bed, enabling me to sit up, and started to leave, saying that visiting hours are up in half an hour.

Duncan looked down at me, and looked me up and down. I finally realised his bloody and bruised face.


Heyyyy, guess who updated a long-ish chapter for you guys?! Meee! (Duh!)
I'm working on my new short story; Anxious. Totally recommend you read it. Also thanks again to everyone who reads and upvotes my story's, and a special shout-out to duncneygoalss for being goddamn amazing!


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