Beach Days: Pt-3

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Those two are so blindly in love it's mildly disgusting. Everyone can see it, apart from those two oblivious idiots. So can you blame me for knowing this beach house only has 3 bedrooms? Someone had to push them in the right direction! And I'm the only one here with brains, so obviously I took some action.



When we were all changed, we piled into Heather's Uncle's car, which he also left for us. It was a hot day, and we were ready for the beach. Good thing it was only a 5 minute drive away.

When we reached the beach, Bridgette went to a nearby surf shack and rented a board each for us.

And guess who was the only person who didn't have a clue on how to surf?



When Courtney got out of the car, she shrugged off the jacket-poncho type thing she had put over herself, exposing her bright red and gold bikini and bare skin. I dragged my tongue against my bottom lip.

Hey, what can I say? I am a boy after all.

'Man, you gotta stop drooling' Geoff muttered to my ear. I punched his shoulder.

'I'm not' I hissed back, slightly embarrassed that he noticed. What if Courtney notices and thinks I'm weird?

My thought train was interrupted by Bridgette who ran off to a small shack that let you rent surfboards, and came back lugging them over with Geoff who had rushed over to help her. I saw Courtney look anxious and eye the boards warily.

'I guess Miss C.I.T doesn't know how to surf?' I taunted.

'Shut up' she said, but she still looked worried, playing with the ends of her hair.

'Hey, I can always teach you to surf if you want' I offered, feeling kinda bad for teasing her.

Man, I'm turning soft.

She raised a questioning eyebrow, and then turned her mouth into an 'o' of surprise

'Really? You?' She said in mock surprise, putting her hands up to her mouth.

'Don't sound so disbelieving, I can do many things you don't know anything about' I fake pouted.

'Really? Like what? I'm all ears.' She smirked.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, Bridgette and Geoff came crashing past us into the ocean.

'WOOOOO' we heard them scream simultaneously, then jumping into the waves to start to surf. Heather was sunbathing with Alejandro who was rubbing sunscreen on her back away from the shore.

Courtney rolled her eyes at no one in particular and started dragging me by the hand.

'It's a bit early in the morning for sex don't you think Princess? I asked, waggling my eyebrows and checking out her ass.

'Ew, you are disgusting! And don't call me that! I'm taking you up on your offer to teach me how to surf, ogre, or maybe I should just ask some other random guy on the beach..'

'No, no that works too' I replied, rushing. No one can touch her apart from me.

Not that I would care though.

'Your so difficult!' She huffed dramatically. 'Just like a child'

'I try to be, Princess'

She ignored me as we waded into the water, me holding the board and Courtney beside me.

She sat up on the board, and I clipped the leash to her ankle.

'So you've got to lay on your stomach and paddle for a bit, I'll be right next to you' I said, and she did so, leaving me a clear view of her ass again.

'Hey, my eyes are up here not there' she snorted.

'Haha, very funny. Now get up to your knees first and then bring up one foot at a time until you are in a standing position.'

She did just that, wobbling a bit.

'I'm gonna fall!' She cried.

'I'm right here, like I said.' And I looked up to smile at her. 'Now keep your knees bent, look out there's a wave, keep steady and try not to fall' I said and backed off a bit.

The wave came and she rode it perfectly before a beginner, until she lost her balance and fell back. She surfaced straight away, spluttering and laughing.

'That was fun, let's do it again' she giggled.

She got up on the board again, but this time she gestured for me to join her and stand behind.




It was sunset, and we were the only ones left on the beach. We had a small fire going, and we were all roasting and eating marshmallows.

We had all thrown some clothes on over our swimwear, as it was getting slightly cold.

We laughed for a while, chatting and cracking jokes and teasing each other. We told stories and talked about everything under the sun, apart from Scott.

Huh. It's funny to think just 2 weeks ago I could barely eat, and now I'm here eating a marshmallow with no bad thoughts about my weight. I mean, I could feel them lingering at the back of my mind, but trying to reach them was like trying to grab them through a wall of green jelly. Ugh. I really don't like green jelly.

However, after a while our laughter died down along with the sun, and I could spot Alejandro whispering something in Heather's ear, who was blushing heavily and looking down at the floor, playing with the zipper end of her jacket

Bridgette and Geoff, were per usual, snogging in the corner.

Suddenly, I felt Duncan grab my hand and gently tug me up. I look up at him with a raised brow, indicating for him to explain.

'Come' he said simply and I followed him as he silently walked me over to the next beach over.

No one noticed us getting up, all of them too invested in their own actions.

We were walking barefoot by the shore, in comfortable silence, with the occasional wave slowly drizzling away by our ankles.

He suddenly stopped when we were out of sight and sound from our friends, all of them a small speck crowded around a dancing fire.

Author's Note:

Just a chapter left! Will probably be up later in the afternoon or tomorrow! Only tomorrow left until I go on break. Please check out my conversation board if you haven't already xx

Love you all xxx


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