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Adam POV

Not too long after Keith got off his call, he walked up to me and Shiro and asked if he could talk to us. We shared a look, worried. "Sure Keith." We followed him to the living room. We sat on the couch and he sat on the chair "Well, um, I was talking to James.." Shiro jumped "Ooohh. Did you tell him?" Keith went pink "N-no! Shrio! No. We were talking, and he mentioned that him and his parents were going to Cornyval, and I told him that we were going too. So..we though maybe that we could all go together? and if you guys are okay with it, I need to give James your numbers to give to his parents." I smiled. So this was kind of like a first date and meet the parents. Interesting. "Of course we're okay with it. Right Shiro?" I looked at my fiance, who nodded "Yeah of course Keith. Do we get to meet James too?" Keith blushed, and nodded. "Yeah. But DON'T tell him that I like him. I don't even know if he likes boys." "We won't. Wether or not you tell him is your call." he smiled at me "Thanks Adam." he got up to leave, and just before he got into the hall he turned and asked "Oh, by the way, is it okay if I call you guys my dads? Because you are." I was shocked. I looked over at Shiro, who was frozen. Then he smiled proudly "Of course Keith." I felt my eyes start to water. "That'd be great." He smiled at us softly before descending down the hall. I turned towards Shiro "We're his dads. We're 23 year olds with a 15, almost 16 year old son." he looked at me, then burst out laughing "Yeah. What is Iverson gonna say about this?" I shrugged "I don't care."

 Then my phone started vibrating. It was a video call from an unknown number. "It must be James's parents. Accept it." Shiro said, and I nodded. I opened the call, and was greeted with a nice looking couple, both probably in their 30s or 40s. "Hi! You must be Shiro and Adam! I'm Erica, and this is my husband, Chris." the woman said, motioning to the man near her "Hi! Yes, I'm Adam, and this is my fiance Shiro." Shiro waved "Hi." She smiled "You guys make a very nice couple. Do you have a wedding date yet?" I shook my head "No, not yet. But we want a big wedding, and we need to save up, so it'll be in a few years." She smiled "That's lovely! Well, I assume Keith told you why we're calling." Shiro nodded "Yeah, it's for their date-not-date at Cornyval." I slapped his arm "Shiro! They might not know!" and Erica smiled. "Oh, we know. James talk very fondly about Keith. You know, James has the biggest crush on him. Whenever we ask about him he goes on and on about how his eyes are a "Beautiful violet, that shine and look like galaxies when he's happy." Those are his exact words." We all laughed "Yeah, Keith's the same way. going on and on about his "golden brown eyes" and how "they look like the sunset"." Shiro said, and we all laughed. Chris smiled "Hahah! Really? Wow! Well, James can be kind of oblivious at times." I smiled "It's obvious that they like each other but they just won't admit it." Chris nodded "They're worried about ruining their friendship. And if it goes wrong, they're stuck with each other for the rest of their time at the Garrison." I nodded. We continued to talk for about two more hours, about the boys, and making plans for Cornyval. "Well, it was great getting to talk to you guys, but we have to go." I said, and Shiro nodded and yawned. Chris smiled "That's okay. We'll see you guys next Saturday" we waved and hung up. I turned towards Shiro, who looked like he was about to fall asleep "Why do I have a feeling that our wedding is going to end with one of them proposing?" He smiled "Probably. And it'll probably be James proposing, not Keith." I smiled, thinking of what it would be like. "Yeah. I can't believe that they haven't told each other yet." "Well remember how long it took for us to tell each other? It took a year and a half." "Yeah, but they've already known each other for two years Shiro. TWO YEARS. They must be pining their asses off." He nodded in agreement "Definitely. Well, I'm gonna go to bed." he stood and kissed me on the cheek "Love you." then walked down the hall towards our bedroom. "Love you too." As I watched him walk away, I smiled. Partly because Shiro had a nice ass, and because  I think Keith was finally going to admit his feelings to James.

I Love You KeithWhere stories live. Discover now