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Keith POV

It's only been a 3 weeks since James and Adam went back to the Garrison, and I'm already bored out of my mind, and miss them a lot. I've been sleeping in until 10-11, then staying up til 3 or 4. I've gone to the shack a lot, tidying the place up and moving some stuff there. Its not uncommon for me to fall asleep there, so I figured I better have some supplies. There's clothes in the bedroom, for me, Adam and Shiro. Even though he's gone, it's kinda comforting to have his stuff around. Makes it seem more like home. I brought food as well, and some sheets and blankets. James and I traded fuzzy blankets, so he had my red one and o have this orange one. It still kinda smells like him.

I've also ridden the bike a lot, all around the dessert. I tried doing the trick that Shiro taught me, and I almost crashed. But I didn't tell Adam or James that. 

Adam has already gone into over-protective mom mode, calling me every night and texting me throughout the day asking if I'm okay. Its nice and all, but sometimes a little peace and quiet is good for you.

Me and James have been able to talk everyday so far, whether its by text or video call. Since he's still in school, he has to get up early, and go to sleep at a reasonable time. So every night, and every morning, he sends me a text saying "I love you." Its really cheesy, and I tease him about it a bit, but I love it. And of course I say it back.

I haven't talked to any of the others, it'd just be really weird. Pidge and I texted a few times, she still thinks that the Kerberos mission is just a cover up for something bigger. Like an alien abduction or something. She said she'd set up some of her dad's old equipment on the roof, and was trying to see if there was alien life out there. I had my doubts, but I told her to keep me updated. If anyone could prove that aliens were real, it'd be Pidge.

 Time went on, and soon it was near the end of September. I got to talk to James and Adam less and less, but I still got my "I love you"s everyday. I had also found this weird cave when I was riding around on my bike. It had a bunch of weird writing and shapes on the walls, like it was supposed to be some kind of language. But it was nothing I recognized. I went there often, and practically moved into the shack. I had found a generator, and gotten the electricity running. I ended up moving my computer there, so that I could research the strange markings I found. The shack was a lot closer to the cave, and I had grown really attached to it. I can't explain it, but I felt like I'd been here before.

One night, when all was well and good, I was on the roof, stargazing. All of a sudden, this huge thing came hurtling out of the sky. It looked like some kind of ship, and it crashed near the Garrison. I ran inside and got some binoculars, then went back out to try and see what it was. It WAS a ship, but it didn't look like any kind I had seen before. Already, Garrison vehicles were surrounding it, and I saw a bunch of people in white hazmat suits go in. Whatever that thing was, it wasn't human. Pidge's theory started making more sense now. Unexpected error, mysterious disappearance, little information about it, and now this weird ship comes falling out of the sky? What it there was someone on board? Or something? Maybe whatever was on that ship knew what had really happened to Shiro and the Holts.

I ran to my bike and hopped on, and began speeding towards the crash site. I had to find out what it was. 

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