And We're Back

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Lance POV

I hugged my Abulea one last time, smiling. "Don't worry mijo, I'm sure you'll do great." I smiled softly "Thanks Abuela. Love you." "I love you too. Now go, your amigos are waiting." I hugged her one last time and went over to my friends. Hunk, Pidge, Kinkade, James, Rizavi and Ina were already there,  but Mullet was nowhere to be seen. I wonder where he is? I shook my head quickly. no, Lance, no. He's your rival now, he took your spot. hunk smiled when he saw me "Lance! Great to see you buddy!" And crushed me in a bear hug. "It's nice to see you too Hunk. Can you let go? I need to breathe." "Oh, of course. I'm sorry. I'm just so excited." Pidge laughed "We get it Hunk. You missed us. We missed you too." I smiled "Hey Pidgeon." "Hey yourself." "Hey man. How you doing?" Kinkade asked. I shrugged "Good. Veronica didn't kill me this summer, and I got to do nothing." "Ahh, the easy life. Nothing but Netflix and couch surfing all summer." Rizavi said with a smile. "Well, except for that time we hung out." Ina said quietly. "Ohh, right. We went to the poo. That was fun." Pidge smiled "So, James. What did you and Keith do?" She asked, wiggiling her eyebrows. Was it just me, or did he start blushing? "Nothing important. We went to the beach, binged Netflix. The usual." Kinkade wrapped an arm around his shoulders "What about that, uh, dinner you told me about? And your birthday?" Okay, James was definetly blushing now. "We just went out to eat, that's all. And for my birthday we went to Cornyval. The dates changed this year, and it opened a few days before. It was really fun. We went on rides, played games. We even got on the Ferris Wheel at sundown." Rizavi raised an eyebrow "Oh, the Ferris wheel?" "At sundown?" Ina piped in, a smile on her face. "Shut up." James grumbled, shoving Kinkade's arm off of him. "Yeah guys, lighten up. I'm sure that if anything happened, James would tell us. Right?" Hunk said, and James nodded. "Right." "Speaking of which, where is Keith?" I asked, and the others shrugged. "Aw, Lance, you actually care?" Veronica said, walking up behind me. I almost jumped two feet in the air. "Christ Ronny, don't do that!" She smiled "Why not? It's funny." "Hey V!" Pidge said with a smile, going to hug her. "Hey Pidge. How ya doin'?" I'm good." "Hey, why didn't I get a hug?" I whined. Pidge smirked "Because you don't deserve one." "Bully." She just smiled. "But seriously, where's Keith?" Veronica said, suddenly serious. The other shrugged "We don't know. He should be here by now." Kinkade said. 

Ronny sighed "James, don't you know where he is?" James hook his head "I honestly have no id-" then he pitched forward, stumbling. I saw a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders and smiled. "Keith!" He whined, and said boy smiled. Keith had a nice smile. "Hi James." James had steadied himself, and was now holding him piggyback style. "Keith! There you are! We were starting to get worried. Where were you?" Hunk asked, and Keith shrugged, climbing off James back, but still not leaving his side. "With Adam. He gave me this speech about how he's proud of me, and Shiro would be too.  Then he started getting all teary eyed, and I had to try and comfort him." Pidge nodded "Huh. So I'm guessing he's the mom in your family dynamic?" Keith nodded "Yeah, pretty much." "Well, it was great catching up with you all, but I still have to put my stuff in my room. Later." Rizavi said, leaving with Ina. I had honestly forgotten that she was there. She was super quiet. "Hey Keith, get this, Lance was worried about you." Ronny said with a smile. Keith raised an eyebrow "Really? Loverboy Lance was worried about me? Well I hope I didn't cause you any trouble." "No, but I can't beat you if you're not here." Keith rolled his eyes "Lance, you can't beat me. We're not even in the same classes." "So?" Hunk sighed "Here we go. Come on Lance, lets go put your stuff in our room. You can bug Keith later." He said, leading me away from the others. "Seriously you have to let go of this whole rivalry thing.  You guys said that you'd try and be friends and get along. Blaming him for the Garrison not having enough room in a class is not being friendly." I sighed. "I know. I just really wanted to be a fighter pilot." "And you still might be. Just not right now. Now come on, we need to organize our stuff. I'll even let you have the top bunk." I smiled. Hunk was right. I didn't even have him in my classes anymore. Why worry about him?

Veronica POV

After Lance and Hunk left, I turned towards James and Keith, wjo had their arms wrapped around each other. "Okay, what really happened this summer?" The two boys went light pink and smiled. "Nothing important." "Did yall fuck?" Pidge deadpanned. "For the last time, NO." James said, clearly annoyed. "Okay, then what happened? It had to be more than rides and friendly competition." Kinkade said, staring at the two. "Seriously, nothing happened! We stayed home, watched Netflix-"Keith said, and I cut him off. "But what about that dinner? Was it a date?" I asked, and I immediatley knew I had struck gold. Both turned an even brighter shade of pink, and James sighed "Yes! It was a date! Why do you guys care so much?" "Because I need to know when to start writing my best man speech. And when I'll need a tuxedo." Kinkade said with a smile. Pidge laughed "Oh, I can see it now. "Beautiful violet" flowers, "golden brown" table cloths, rainbow rings." Kinkade laughed "Yeah, The speech could start off like "I've know these two lovesick idiots for years, and the dumbasses were in love from day one, then hopelessly pinned after each other for years." Yeah, that'd be good." James groaned and Keith buried his face in his hands. We laughed "Guys, stop. We're 17! Well, I am. Keith's not even 17! Stop with the marriage talk!" James said exasperatedly. I put my hands up "Chill dude. But sure. We'll stop." "For now." Pidge said with a smirk, and James rolled his eyes. I smiled to myself. This was looking like a pretty good year. Me and my friends were going to be fighter pilots, Shiro and the Holts would be coming back. Yeah, this would be a good year.

Boy, I wish I knew how wrong I was.

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