Cornyval pt.2

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Keith POV

After we paid to get in, Shiro called the Griffins. "Hi! We're here. We just walked in the entrance, right next to the pony rides. Where are you guys?" i heard some noise, and he nodded "The stage? Which one? By the food? Okay, we'll be there in a few minutes." He hung up and turned towards me and Adam. "Ok, they're at the stage in the back, by the food. Let's go." We started the long walk through the festival, occasionally stopping to look at something. Shiro kept looking at the metal things, like the wolves and dogs. Adam wanted to look at the clothes, and I wasn't really interested in any of it. But a jewelry stand caught my eye. On it were some beautiful rings. All with rainbow gems and colors.

 All with rainbow gems and colors

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I walked over to the booth and picked one of them up

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I walked over to the booth and picked one of them up. The man at the stall saw me "You interested in that one kid?" I just nodded, still mesmerized by the ring. "You know, if you're looking for a rainbow ring, come back in about an hour or two, and I'll have even more." I smiled at the man "Thanks. If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you selling rainbow rings? Are they meant to be gay or just pretty?" He shrugged "The meaning of the ring depends on the person wearing the ring. For some people, it's a pretty accessory. For others, it's a statement." I smiled. I liked this man. "Well, I'll definitely be here later. Thank you." He waved "See ya kid." I waved back, and walked towards Adam and Shiro. "What were you doing Keith?" Adam asked, holding Shiro's hand. I shrugged "Something caught my eye is all." "Ok. But we should probably get to the stage. The Griffin's are waiting." Shiro said, and we began walking towards the stage again. Adam and Shiro smiled brightly when they spotted a couple, a man and a woman. They smiled and started walking towards us. They must be James's parents. The woman has dark brown hair, with light brown eyes. The man has light brown hair, almost blond, with light brown eyes. "Shiro! Adam!" she exclaims, obviously excited to meet them in person. "Erica! Chris!" Adam says. They hug, while Shiro and Chris shake hands. She lets go of Adam and turns towards me "And you must be Keith! We've heard so much about you! I feel like I know you already." She reaches her hand out, which I shake. "I'm James's mom, but you can just call me Erica. This is my husband Chris." I let go of her hand, and Chris smiled and waved at me "Hi Keith." I smiled at them.They seemed nice "Hi.  It's nice to meet you. Where's James?" 

Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I froze a bit "Hey Kitten." I smiled. "Hey Griff." He kept his arms around me and out his chin on my shoulder at the same time that I leaned my head back to rest on his. He had a smile on his face, and I knew that I did too. I was highly aware of the fact that my back was against his chest, and how close our faces were. But I was comfortable. We just stood there in silence as the parents talked excitedly. " you doing?" James asked, whispering in my ear. I giggled a bit. His breath tickled my shoulder. He turned a little pink "I'm doing great. Even more so because I'm in your arms." I blushed a bit on the end, and he smiled. "Really? Well, after we talk, maybe this can happen more often." I smiled, and we realized that the parents had gone silent. They were all just staring at us, with proud smile on their faces. "What?" I asked. Adam shook his head "Nothing. Just thinking." Chris nodded "Yeah. Well, how about we go get some food? I'm starving." I shook my head "But if we want to go on rides we have to wait to eat or we'll get sick." I felt James nod on my shoulder "Yeah, and I wanna go on that spinny thing I saw earlier." Erica shook her head "I don't know how you guys can ride those things. I would get sick, no matter when I ate." "Well," I said, looking at James "Me and James could go on some rides while you guys go get food. That way we all get to do what we want." Shiro nodded "Sounds like a plan. You guys have fun. But not too much fun." he finished with a smirk, and Chris smiled. "Shiro!" I yelled, feeling my face turning red. James just looked shocked. Erica and Adam shook their head disapprovingly. I untangled myself from James and grabbed his hand "Come on James." we left the adults behind, and walked away hand in hand.

James POV

So Keith liked me too? Wow. That was great. I barely registered him untangling himself from me and leading us away from our parents. He seemed annoyed. I readjusted my grip on his hand "So..what did Shiro mean by that?" And he stopped walking. He turned towards me, face bright pink " Well, uh, I, um." I smiled "Kitten, do you like me?" I asked, in a playful voice. He looked at me, then yanked me behind something, A stage I think. It was a secluded area, and I didn't see anyone else there. He was still holding my hand, and was facing me, eyes on the ground "Keith?" I asked, this time in a serious tone, "Do you like me? I-I have to know. B-because I like you." He looked up at me, surprised. "Really?" he asked, in a soft voice. I nodded and smiled sheepishly "Y-yeah. Yeah. I do. A lot." I looked him in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes that I had fallen in love with. "Do you like me?" if he didn't I was going to die from embarrassment and heartbreak. He smiled at me "Y-yeah. I like you. A lot. And I have for a while now." I smiled. "Me too. Since about the first day I met you." he smiled at me, blushing brightly. "So..what does that make us?"he asked. I didn't even have to think "Boyfriends? If you want?" he smiled "Yes!" I smiled, and we hugged. Don't get me wrong, I REALLY wanted to kiss him, but I didn't want our first kiss to be in a dark alley-type place. We pulled away from each other and I smiled.

" about we go on some rides?"

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