Cornyval pt.4

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This is a long chapter

Keith POV

James ran up besides me and grabbed my hand. "What were you doing?" I asked, curious. He didn't seem that interested in the jewelry. He shrugged And held up our intertwined hands "I wanted a ring to match yours." I looked at our hands and saw two similar black bands, with the rainbow stripe in the middle. I smiled "It looks nice on you." He smiled back "Thanks. Hey, do you have any idea why our dads keep making weird and suggestive jokes?" I felt myself blush "Well..I might have talked about you. A lot. What about you?" I asked, looking at him. He was a little pink "Well, I talked about you too. Like, a lot. Like, the entire drive from the Garrison to my house with my dad, and then again with my mom at home." I smiled "So, you must have talked about my eyes a LOT for them to mention it." James blushed "What can I say Kitten, you have nice eyes." I smiled towards the ground, and leaned against James's shoulder, perfectly content. When we eventually got back to our parents, they were sitting at one of the many picnic tables, talking. When Adam spotted us, he smiled and took a picture. When the others turned to see what he was taking a picture of, they smiled too. Chris smiled "So, what'd you guys do?" James picked up our hands "Looked around, got some rings." Erica literally cooed "Aww, that's so cute. It's like you guys are practically married." "Mom!" James groaned, dropping our hands, but still holding them.

"Could you not? It's kinda weird." I added, squeezing James's hand. We say at the table next to Shiro. I was next to James, who was next to Shiro. Erica was next to Chris who was met to Adam, who was in front of Shiro.  "So, James, what are your intentions with my brother?" Shiro asked James in an serious voice. "My what?" James said, obviously confused. "Shiro!" I groaned. I didn't want him grilling my new boyfriend. "What? I want to know what you plan to do with my brother." James let go of my hand and put bith of his on the table. "Mr. Kogane, I intend on dating your brother as long as he likes,  and if our relationship goes past high school and into the college years, probably marry him. I'd like to have a relationship with him similar to the one that you and Adam have, built on trust and affection." Shiro's mouth dropped open, and Adam smiled.  James continued "I can honestly say that I love your brother and I never want to see him suffer." He looked at me, a blush and smile on his face "His smile brightens my world, and he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." I felt my face heat up, and I put my face in my hands "James!" "What? He asked, and I answered." I peeked  through my fingers, and saw James. He was lying his arms on the table, and his head on his arms, staring up at me while smiling fondly.  His face was pink, and from how hot my face felt, I knew that I was blushing too. The parents were all smiling proudly, and Shiro still looked shocked. "Wha-wha- really?" He asked, and James just nodded. "Good job son. I'm proud of you." Chris said, and you could hear the pride in his voice.  "Keith, is there anything that you want to tell James?" Adam asked, with an evil grin on his face. I put my hands down and death stared him. "Yes. Yes I do. But not here." I stood up and grabbed James hand. Shiro stopped me "No, Keith. If James could tell you in front of all of us  you can tell him in front of us." I felt my face heat up again "Shiro. No." He just smile "Yes." I death stared him "Fine. James, I really like you. I have since the day we met. You were nice to me when almost no one else was, and you stood up for me when Lance was being a jackass. You fought him off when he attacked me, and you always ask me if I'm okay. I always miss you the second you're not with me, and you mean a lot to me." The entire time I was talking, James just smiled at from his position on the table. Shiro looked smug, and Erica looked like she was about to cry. "That's so sweet. They're perfect for each other. I can't wait to be at their wedding." James sat up and whipped his head towards her "Mom! Enough with the wedding talk! We're teenagers! We literally just told the other that we like them today and you guys are already talking about us getting married! I get enough of that at home! It's annoying!" He stood up and stormed off. Erica and Chris just stared in silence. I turned towards them "What does he mean?" Erica looked down and Chris answered "He talks about you at home a lot. He did the same with the last person he liked, and we kept joking about them getting married. It didn't end well, so I guess whenever we talk about him possibly getting married he gets mad." I raised an eyebrow "What happened?" Chris shook his head "It's not my place to say, but it didn't go well." "Keith, you should go find him." Adam said, and I nodded. I stood and followed the path that James had taken. 

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