A Kiss Before Dying pt.1

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I'm back! I hope you all enjoy this story but before you start reading it make sure you go read my other book 'Un-Break My Heart' to get the storyline a bit better otherwise you will be a bit confused. Anyways, enjoy!


Our story continues. The Mayors Jubilee was supposed to change everything, to be a new start. We all thought that everything would change for the better but it was took just one phone call to prove that we were wrong, very wrong.

It was the day after the Jubilee in honour of seventy-five years of Riverdale. The night before my boyfriend, Jughead Jones and I had a very heated moment but it was sadly interrupted by the Southside Serpents.

Jughead's dad, Fp Jones, is supposedly the king of the Serpents. Though he was arrested not too long ago for the murder of Jason Blossom. Turned out that he wasn't actually the killer, he was arrested for many other things instead. Jughead's life has been rough lately, now he was living all alone in his father's trailer.

At the moment, he was currently sitting on his couch typing away on his laptop while I was in the kitchen making us some coffee. I spent the night over here. Thankfully Veronica covered for me saying I stayed at her place last night so my mother wouldn't get angry.

"Thirsty?" I questioned making my way to the couch with both mugs in hand.

Jughead looked up at me, "Yeah, thanks."

I nodded sitting down next to him handing him his cup. "Shouldn't you be heading home? I'm pretty sure your mom wouldn't be so happy if she..."

"Ronnie covered for me," I stopped him before he could finish, "so I'm pretty sure I'm good."

Jughead smiled before taking a sip from his coffee, "Yes. I get you all to myself today."

I giggled before placing my cup on the coffee table and leaning in to give him a kiss. As we pulled back Jughead gave me a large smile before pushing away his laptop and placing his cup on the table. He then leaned in again colliding his lips in mine.

Our lips continued to move in sync before he grabbed my hips and pushed me on top of his lap. I was really enjoying this feeling not going to lie but once again we were interrupted. Jughead's phone started vibrating causing us to break apart.

"Why do we get interrupted every time we try to enjoy ourselves?" I groan.

Jughead shrugs before he puts the phone to his ear. "Hey Betty."

It was quiet for a few seconds on his end before a worried expression creeps up onto his face. "Oh my god, yeah I have Bella. We'll meet you there."

He didn't bother saying goodbye before he moved me off him and getting up to put on his jacket.

"Jug?" I stood up and rushed towards him, "What's going on?"

"I'll explain to you on the way, okay? Just come with me."

I didn't ask questions but obeyed his demand. He threw the door open as we walked out into the cold winter air. We sped down the steps before Jughead walked towards a tarp covering what's underneath. He paused looking at it questioning if he should remove it. He decided to take the cover off revealing a motorcycle.

"Jug, I'm not..." I shook my head with wide eyes looking at the bike.

He grabbed the helmet from next to the motorcycle and holding out to me. "Bella, please just trust me."

I gave him a slight glare before groaning and shoving the helmet on my head. I then proceeded to climb on the back of the bike after Jughead sat on the front. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled my feet up before he revved the engine and took off.

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