A Kiss Before Dying pt.2

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Once Jughead and I got outside he hopped right on his motorcycle. I groaned while looking at it. This thing does not look safe whatsoever.

"Do we have to take this?"

"Come on, Bells." Jughead pleaded. "Or we can walk? We can take a bus...or we can call your Mom?"

Oh, hell no.

"Yeah, no. I'd rather go with you." I shock my head putting the helmet he handed me over my head and sitting behind him. Jughead laughed at my response before turning the keys in the ignition before starting the motor. I pulled my feet up as I clicked the helmet buckle in place before wrapping my arms around my boyfriend's waist. Jughead then pulled his feet up before driving off.

If my parents or even Betty finds out about this...I'm screwed.

Pop's was completely deserted when we arrived. I wasn't surprised, news travels fast here in Riverdale so I had no doubt that pretty much everyone knew about what happened to Fred by now.

The bell above the door rang as we stepped in. Right away both of our eyes shot to the puddle of blood on the ground. "Oh my God," I mumbled.

Suddenly, loud noise was coming from the back of the diner as we heard Pop Tate coming out from the back with a mop.

He gave us a sad look, "Sorry kids, we uh, we're closed today. There was a..."

"Pop," I interrupted him, "we heard about what happened. We just got back from the hospital to look for Mr. Andrews' wallet, it's missing."

"Is he..."

"He's out of surgery. We'll know more when he wakes up." I assured the man to stop him from worrying.

He nodded before walking towards us where the pool of Mr. Andrews' blood laid. "The police have already looked, but if you wanna double-check, he was in that booth." Pop pointed towards the booth that I'm assuming Fred was in before getting shot. I nodded before starting to look around the booth to see if I find anything.

Jughead asked Pop about his side of the story as I continued to see if I can find any wallet. Pop proceeded to tell the story as I gave up looking, it was nowhere to be found. When the old man said that not even a penny was taken Jughead and I turned to each other.

He snapped his fingers toward me, "Aha, I knew it. What kind of thief shoots up a joint and then doesn't take a single dollar bill?"

"He wasn't a thief." Pop spoke up, "Overnight the years, this place has been robbed many times. Bricks through windows, even during riots. I've looked plenty of thugs in the eye, but this man, his goal was something else. Darker. It was like the angel of death had come to Riverdale."

Well, at least on the bright side now I know it's not only been my family who throws bricks through windows.

Jughead chuckled, "Geez, Pop, lighten up. You sound like the cranky old guy in the Friday the 13th movies, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."."

I rejoined Jughead, "Waller's not here."

"Hey you kids hungry?" Pop turned to us.

I would've said yes any other day but I think after the events of today my stomach wouldn't be able to take down any food. "No, it's okay."

"Oh, I'm always hungry, yeah."

I turned my head towards Jughead giving him an annoyed look. A few minutes later, I was sitting at the counter next to my boyfriend with freshly made burgers with fries in front of us. I couldn't eat the food. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't especially since there was still a pool of blood not far from me.

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