When a Stranger Calls pt.1

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It's now Monday morning. I got barely any sleep last night after that phone call from the Black Hood. I'm still in complete shock. Why me? Why now? What is he doing this all for? What's he going to do to me? All of these thoughts were running through my head.

After I got ready for the day in my usual high ponytail, sweater, jeans and sneakers I texted Archie.

Walk me to school?

Soon after I got a yes back from him. I wanted to talk to him about the phone call last night and see what he has to say about this.

I then ran down the stairs and realized that my sister already left along with my parents. I was the only one home which made shivers flow down my spine. I never thought in my whole lifetime that I'd be scared to be in my own home. I quickly ran out the door, grabbing my bag on the way. Archie was there waiting on the sidewalk.

"Hey, Bella." Archie smiles as he waved.

I responded with a smile back before making my way towards him. Most of the walk was full of small talk but Archie could tell I seemed a bit off. "Bella, is everything okay?"

I looked up at him with a sigh, "I need too tell you something, Arch, but you can't tell anyone else. Not Veronica, Not Jughead, Not Betty, Not your dad, Not anyone. Promise me?"

It took Archie a moment before giving in, "Yeah, sure. I promise."

"The Black Hood called me." I force out. I was still a little shaken up from the phone call last night.

Archie stopped in his tracks and looked at me with wide eyes. "What?!"

"Don't- keep walking." I look behind us to make sure no one was watching us.

"Wait," Archie still couldn't believe what he just heard but thankfully he continued walking. "the Black Hood called you?"

I double checked if anyone was on the side walk. "Yes. It's risky for me to even be telling you but, we're best friends and we live right next door to each other so us walking to school together would look perfectly normal to anyone who might be watching. Including him."

"You think he's watching us?" Archie looks down at me.

I sigh in frustration, "I don't know, he could be. I know it sounds crazy but it was him."

"Bella, you have to tell the police even if it's not him!" Archie's face becomes worried for me in an instant.

I kind of regret telling Archie now because I know he will push me to tell someone when I know it's best if I don't. "It is him. He told me if I went to the police or if I told Jughead he'd-" I stop in my words as I think of the worst. "God, he knows where Polly is, Arch. If he calls me again I have to answer."

Archie shook his head, "I'm not letting you go through this alone."

I stop in my tracks, turning to my best friend. We were looking at each other eye to eye. His were full of worry while mine where scared and ready to spill tears. He noticed the water threatening to spill from my eyes. "Bella, don't cry it'll all be okay."

I nod before embracing him in a hug. "I'm scared, Archie."

"Don't worry, Bella, I'll be here for you no matter what." Archie reassured me as we pulled away.

I smiled, "Thanks, Arch."

- -

"Nick and I were the will they, or won't they of our jet set." I heard Veronica's voice say as Archie and I walked into the student lounge. "He's an outrageous flirt, though we never dated. We'd hop from club to club, go on these madcap adventures, stay up all night..."

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