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Hi everyone I'm extremely sorry for being so inactive lately. I have been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety so it has been quite hard to focus into making another part for all of you who are reading. I will not be ending this book but I'm just here to let you all know that I will be taking a break from this book and all of my other books for about a week or two just so I can catch up with all my school work and get my life back on track. While I'm on this break I will be continuing to update my Riverdale au story and fan account on Instagram so if you want to go check it out it's @ rvd.bugheadnews.

Also during my break I will try to write a few parts so right when I get back I'll be able to spam you guys with story parts etc...

Thank you so much for understanding and I really appreciate it!

I love you all so much and I'll catch ya in a few weeks!☺️❤️

Peace out✌🏻

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