The Town That Dreaded Sundown pt.1

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The next morning at breakfast wasn't the greatest. Don't get me wrong my Mom's cooking is amazing but my parents and sister happened to find out that I helped Polly leave last night without them knowing.

"How could you do this to me, Emerald? To us." My Mom sighed as she looked at me in complete disappointment.

I kept my eyes on the table not daring to look up at the three angry piranhas at the table. "She asked for my help, Mom."

"To run away?" Betty spoke up, "And you agreed?"

"We know where she is, Bella, and frankly thank God she's out of Riverdale and away from that psycho." I motioned towards the door.

"And you think that, that guarantees her safety?" My Mom's head snapped towards me.

I rolled my eyes, "Polly was scared."

"And you don't think that I am?" My Mom's question left everyone at the table silent. I noticed tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I'm terrified. Every time that you or Betty walk out that door. Every time that I call you two and you don't pick up the phone my heart stops. I don't know how I'm supposed to protect you three girls. Right when you go and do this and then you try to call me the monster!" My mothers hand slams on the table as she gets up and walks out of the room sobbing.

Ugh, what have I done?

There was an awkward silent between the other three of us at the table. All of us were processing in what my Mom said, especially me and Betty. I felt bad now for the way I've been acting towards my Mom lately. I would be just as worried and mad as she is if my kids ever did this.

"Bella." My sister called to me from across the table taking me out of my thoughts. "We should, um, get going."

I looked to my side, at my Dad. He was just there silently staring at the table not even trying to look up. I took a deep breath before nodding and getting up from my seat. "Yeah, let's go."

Without saying a goodbye to my parents Betty and I were soon out the door walking to school. This is going to be a long week.

School was bound to hell, as usual. People were constantly talking about Archie's video and it was sickening. So, it's just a video, get over it. Out emotions get to us. Archie's no different.

"Ugh, I just woke up and I'm already exhausted." I whined as I sat on my desk at the Blue and Gold.

Betty agreed as she took the mail from our mini mailbox. Suddenly my phone ringed. I grabbed it from my jacket pocket and checked who it was. Thankfully it was Jughead.

"Hey, Jug, what's up?"

"Nothing really. Just getting used to the ways Southside High works. How about you?"

I let out a long sigh, "Well, not so good. My Mom's spiralling. Do you think you can come over during lunch? I'd love to see you."

"I don't think I can today, Bells. I'm maintaining a semblance of being a student here."

A big frown appeared on my face, "Oh, okay."

I heard him mumble something before he said a quick goodbye and hung up on me.

"Hey, Bella. There's a letter here for you." My sister passed a packaged letter to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused. I never get any mail here at the Blue and Gold. I wonder what it's about. Betty pushed a chair next to me so we can each read our letters together.

At first I thought nothing of the letter. It just looked like two regular pieces of paper with writing on it, but I was completely wrong. It was a cipher and a  letter to me of all people from the so-called Black Hood. My stomach dropped from what feels like a 1000 feet hill. Tears starting forming in my eyes as I dropped the paper on my desk and I held my hands over my mouth.

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