The Town That Dreaded Sundown pt.2

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When I got to my room I decided to call Jug. I wasn't gonna tell him about the letter but I did want to talk to him about the cipher I got. Oddly, he didn't pick up. Maybe he's busy with the Red and Black so I can try calling him a bit later. I just have a feeling that he's with Toni. Don't get me wrong I think she's a great girl but something about her seems kinda off.

Since he didn't pick up I decided to work on decoding the cipher by myself. The way it's worded looks so familiar but I just can't remember from where. This is going to be really frustrating.

- -

The next morning I dragged my sister with me to go bother Jughead. He never called me back so I wanna figure out what he was up to and see if he can help me decode this thing.

"Bella, Betty? What time is it?" Jughead rubbed his eyes as he pulled the door open.

Betty pushed her way past me. "7:15. Your girlfriend over here wanted to catch you before school."

I followed in giving Jughead a guilty smile before kissing his lips.

"Sorry, I have morning breath." He mumbled, closing the door behind me. "Do you guys want coffee or something?"

"No, uh, we were actually on our way to the library. I asked Ms. Paroo to set aside all the books she has about cryptograms and ciphers," Betty explained.

I nodded at my sisters words as I took a seat at the table. "We thought it might help us crack the Black Hood's code. Which I'm hoping is something we can do all together, Jug."

I watched as my boyfriend froze. There was a moment of silence as my sister gave me a look.

"Um...actually funny enough, Toni of all people and I, started working on that yesterday at the Red and Black. I can show you what we've got so far, if you want." Jughead pulled out the chair next to me and sat down.

Betty motioned for me to take over since it was my boyfriend but I didn't budge.

"Toni, because let me guess...she loves serial killers?" My sister hugged as she took the last seat on the table.

Jughead was clearly not picking up the sarcasm in her tone. "She does have an affinity for the darker side of things, yeah."

"So that's why you didn't pick up the phone yesterday." I spoke up giving my boyfriend a disappointed look. "Because out of all people, you were with Toni."

"Is that not okay?" Jughead furrowed his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I don't know, Jug. Maybe if you answered the phone you would understand why I'm like this."

The room went quite at my words. Jughead was probably thinking about what I said as Betty gave me an annoyed look.

"Okay, In that case, why don't we all work on it together?" Betty turned to Jughead. "You, me, Bella, Toni and Kevin?"

"Kevin?" Jughead interrupted.

"Yeah," My sister continued, "it'll be like a little code-breaking party. So fun! You can host." She slapped his arm gently. Jughead gave her a dumbfounded face. He looked so unamused by our presence.

Me on the other hand, I would rather solve this myself. Jughead and my sister can go along and have this code-breaking party with their friends but I don't think it'll be the best environment to be in while I'm currently still barely talking to Kevin and my boyfriend went ahead to try and solve this cipher without me knowing with another girl. I'm trying my hardest to trust Jughead but after our whole ordeal with our last relationship I'm not sure what to believe.

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