The Watcher in the Woods pt. 2

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I woke up the next morning to yelling down stairs. I pushed myself off from my bed and made my way downstairs to see what was going on.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I could see my oldest sister holding an article that my parents published in hand, Betty next to her while my parents were sat on the couch looking at her confused.

"I'm leaving Riverdale!" Polly exclaimed throwing the news paper on the ground.

I look at all of them one by one, "Guys, what's going on?"

"Polly, slow down." Betty turned to the angry blonde ignoring my question. "You're gonna give the babies-"

Polly cut her off. "I already called the Farm, they still have room for me."

"Farm?" I give my sister a confused look as I sit next to my Mom.

"What Farm?" My mother adds.

Polly scoffed, "The Farm that Jason and I were running to before my life fell apart."

"Hey honey, let's just talk about this." My Dad stood up looking directly at Polly. "Why are you leaving?"

"Ask Mom. She's the one baiting a killer. A killer targeting sinners." Polly used her hand motions to help emphasize her anger.

"Polly, you're not a sinner." Betty turned to our other sister.

What the hell is going on?

Polly seemed to have had enough. "I'm an un-wed mother carrying my cousins babies. I am the poster child for sinners."

My Mom also seemed like she's had enough as she slams the book in her hand on the coffee table before standing up. "Alright, that's it. Over my dead body are you gonna run off to some farm and give birth in a trough, no doubt."

"It might be over your dead body, mother." Polly walks closer to Mom. "But it certainly won't be over mine or my babies."

With that my sister took off running upstairs as I'm assuming to pack. It's literally nine in the morning and I'm having to deal with all of this. What has my family turned into?

After that whole scene I spent the day at school in a horrible mood. Nothing interesting happened since Jug isn't there anymore and I still haven't talked to Kevin since yesterday. Of course I mad at him for going to Fox Forest in the middle of the night when there's a killer on the loose but at the end of the day he's still my best friend and I love him too much to let him go. Hopefully he will want to talk to me soon.

Later on that evening I had nothing to do. Polly hasn't left her room since the morning and I'm getting really worried about her. I know she's needs her space to take everything in but as much as I want her and her babies to be safe I want her to stay home. She's one of the only people who understand me and I really don't want to lose her again. To make my mind off of things for a while I decided to go surprise Jug with a few things since I found out he works at Southside High's school newspaper the Red and Black.

My eyes immediately found Jughead as I pulled the door open, all nerves disappearing. "So this is the Red and Black."

Jughead turned form his spot by the computers, shock filling his face. "Bella, you cannot be here unless you're armed."

I shrugged reaching in the box, I grabbed a Keurig and held it up. "Well, I am."

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