The Watcher in the Woods pt. 1

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I felt like today was going to be a good day. I mean my boyfriend's dad might not stay in jail for half the time he's supposed to and Pop's is now staying open. What more could I ask for? The only bad thing was that Jughead was leaving Riverdale High meaning it would be harder to see each other.

Little did I know something happened last night that was going to be the most talked about subject at school. It was terrifying to hear about as I realized that this Black Hood guy was serious, he meant payback for God knows what.

"It was full on Carrie. Midge's covered in Moose's blood screaming like a banshee. It was insane." Kevin continued to tell us the story of what the whole school was gossiping about.

I was situated between Jughead's legs as he sat on the head of the couch in the student lounge. My sister and Ronnie each took an armchair as Kevin was standing up looking at all of us terrified as he remembered the scene in his head.

"Kev, what were you even doing there?" Archie looked at him suspiciously as he walked through the lounge door.

"I was just...night-jogging, you know, as one does," Kevin continued his story, "And then suddenly, I hear gunshots.

Betty and I glanced at each other, confused looks on our faces. Kevin isn't the type of person to go jogging in the middle of the night. I'm even surprised that he went back to the woods after his ordeal with Moose.

Archie sighed, "Can we at least agree now that there is a killer on the loose?"

"With a terrible aim." Jughead spoke from behind me.

"Jughead, he murdered Ms. Grundy." I looked back at him.

Betty shifted herself on her seat. "Bella, we don't know that these three crimes are related."

"Guys, can we focus on what matters here?" Veronica interrupted our sister disagreement. "Nudge and Moose are alive, Archie's dad survived...the new season of the Matchlerette starts tonight. You're all coming over to watch."

Jughead scoffed, "There's a shooter terrorizing our town, and you really want us to watch a gross reality dating show?"

"What I really want is for you guys to meet my dad, officially." Veronica have all of us a guilty smile. "Back in New York, my Dad was always in his study, doing very bad things as it turns out. I'm tired of closed doors. I need to know my dad's life and he needs to know mine."

"Ronnie, I don't know." I tried kindly declining the offer before my sister budged in.

"We'll be there, V." Betty smiles at Veronica before giving me a pointed look. "All of us. Can't wait."

As Veronica thanked my sister, Reggie Mantle walked in. "Hey Andrews, We're going to the hospital to see Moose. You coming?"

Archie stood up from the couch. "Yeah, for sure." He squeezed Veronica's shoulder as he walked by. "I'll see you tonight, Ronnie."

Next, my boyfriend decided to leave. "Oh, I better go, too. I was supposed to meet my "peer mentor" at Southside High like half an hour ago."

"Wait!" I called out running after him. Jughead spun around to face me. "Are you sure you can't keep going here?"

He smiled, walking towards me. "I'll be fine. Okay?"

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